Commons:Cakupan proyek

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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Project scope and the translation is 35% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Project scope and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Outdated translations are marked like this.


Wikimedia Commons adalah repositori berkas media untuk menyediakan konten media (gambar, suara dan video klip) yang bersifat mendidik dan berlisensi bebas dan domain publik untuk semua orang. Commons bertindak sebagai repositori bersama untuk semua proyek Wikimedia, tetapi kontennya bebas digunakan oleh siapa pun, di mana saja dan untuk apa saja.

Halaman ini tentu cukup panjang. Jika Anda hanya membutuhkan gambaran singkat, lihat Commons:Cakupan proyek/Ringkasan.

Tujuan Wikimedia Commons

Tujuan Wikimedia Commons adalah menyediakan tempat penyimpanan berkas media:

  • yang menyediakan konten media yang bersifat mendidik dan berlisensi bebas dan domain publik untuk semua, dan
  • yang bertindak sebagai gudang umum untuk berbagai proyek Wikimedia Foundation.

Ungkapan "mendidik" harus dipahami menurut arti luasnya yaitu "memberikan pengetahuan; instruksional atau informatif".

Cakupan Commons

Agar memenuhi syarat untuk dihosting di Wikimedia Commons, semua berkas dan konten lain harus berada dalam cakupan Commons. Apa pun yang diunggah di sini yang berada di luar cakupan ini akan dihapus sebagai OOS (Di Luar Cakupan, bahasa Inggris: Out Of Scope).

Konten mendidik yang dikecualikan

Konten tertentu tidak bisa dimasukkan ke Commons, bukan karena pada dasarnya tidak mendidik, tetapi karena ada proyek Wikimedia Foundation lain yang lebih sesuai untuk menampung konten semacam itu. Ini berlaku baik untuk berkas media maupun teks.

Konten pendidikan yang dikecualikan termasuk adalah:

  • Artikel ensiklopedia; ini dihoskan di Wikipedia.
  • Berita (ini mungkin dihoskan di Wikiberita), laporan cuaca umum dan sebagainya.
  • Berkas yang tidak berisi pendidikan selain teks mentah. Materi yang murni tekstual seperti resep versi teks biasa, daftar instruksi, puisi, fiksi, kutipan, definisi kamus, rencana pelajaran atau materi kelas, dan sejenisnya lebih baik disimpan di tempat lain, misalnya di Wikibooks, Wikiquote, Wiktionary, Wikiversity atau Wikisource.

Namun, Commons dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan materi tersebut jika dimasukkan dalam file media yang dapat dibagikan yang digunakan untuk salah satu proyek yang dihosting oleh Wikimedia Foundation (WMF), jadi salinan pindaian teks yang ada yang berguna untuk proyek WMF lainnya (misalnya untuk menjadi dasar sumber yang andal dan dapat diverifikasi) berada dalam cakupan. Berkas yang mengandung sesuatu yang bernilai di atas teks mentah juga diperbolehkan. Misalnya, berkas yang terdiri dari pindaian buku yang tidak memiliki hak cipta, surat kabar, dan sejenisnya yang mempertahankan fon asli, tata letak, gambar yang disematkan, dan sejenisnya berada dalam cakupan.

Ruang lingkup bagian 1: Berkas

Berkas yang diunggah berada dalam cakupan hanya jika memenuhi semua ketentuan berikut. Setiap berkas:

  • Mestilah berkas media.
  • Harus dalam format berkas bebas yang dibolehkan.
  • Harus berlisensi bebas atau domain publik.
  • Harus secara realistis berguna untuk tujuan edukasi.
  • Tidak boleh hanya mengandung konten mendidik yang dikecualikan.

Ini dijelaskan secara terperinci di bawah.

Harus berkas media

Wikimedia Commons hosts only media files such as photographs, scanned images, diagrams, animations, audio (e.g. music and spoken dialogue) and video clips, along with any associated metadata. Explanatory and other text is permitted on the file page only to the extent to which it advances Commons' aim and is not excluded educational content.

The following are not considered media files, and may not be hosted here:

  • Computer programs in any format including binary executable files and raw source code listings. Where relevant, source-code may form part of the file description or metadata, e.g. a graphics file may include as descriptive text the code used to create it.
  • Files which are representative merely of raw text, e.g. ASCII files, raw source code listings as mentioned above, etc.

Harus format berkas bebas yang diijinkan

Only free file formats are allowed. Proprietary formats such as Microsoft Word and Excel documents, AAC, WMA, H.265, HEIC, Flash and the like are not permitted. More generally, any file that requires an unfree program or patent-encumbered codec in order to access its content is prohibited.

A list of currently allowed file formats can be found at Commons:Project scope/Allowable file types.

Harus lisensi bebas atau domain publik

Wikimedia Commons accepts only free content, in other words files that are either freely licensed or which are in the public domain. A file is considered public domain if either all copyright has expired or if the copyright owner(s) has voluntarily placed the content of the file into the public domain by irrevocably renouncing all copyright. A file which is ineligible for copyright protection is also considered public domain.

Any file hosted here must normally be freely licensed or public domain according to both the law of the United States and according to the law of the source country, if different: see Commons:Perizinan.

Persyaratan lisensi

To be considered freely licensed, the copyright owner has to release the file under an irrevocable licence which:

  • Permits free reuse for any purpose, including commercial.
  • Permits the creation of derivative works.

Non-allowable licence terms

The following licensing terms are not allowed:

  • Non-commercial or educational use only.
  • A requirement for payment or for notification of use; these can be requested but not required.
  • Restrictions on where the work may be used, e.g. use allowed on Wikipedia only.

Licences with these restrictions are allowed as long as the work is dual-licensed or multi-licensed with at least one licensing option that does not include such a restriction.

"Licences" which purport to allow fair use only are not allowed. Fair use is not a right that can be licensed by a copyright owner, and is in any event never accepted on Commons.

Allowable licence terms

The following terms are allowed:

  • A requirement that the copyright owner(s) be named ("attribution").
  • A requirement that any derivative works must be licensed under the same terms as the original ("share-alike"/"copyleft").

Licensing policy is defined in detail at Commons:Perizinan.


Dalam semua kasus, pengunggah harus memberikan bukti yang tepat untuk menunjukkan bahwa file tersebut adalah domain publik atau bahwa pemilik hak cipta telah mempublikasikan dengan lisensi yang sesuai. Biasanya itu membutuhkan setidaknya bahwa sumber file ditentukan,Catatan bahwa dalam kasus file yang ditemukan di Web, ini seharusnya bukan URL file, tetapi URL halaman yang berisi file, sehingga editor Commons dapat menemukan informasi latar belakang ketika diperlukan. sumber asli di mana file adalah sebuah {pg_Commons:Derivative works dengan} Selain itu, pencipta atau pemilik hak cipta harus diidentifikasi, jika diketahui atau dapat disadari secara wajar. Jika ada pertanyaan, bukti mungkin perlu diberikan bahwa pemilik hak cipta telah benar-benar merilis file di bawah lisensi yang diberikan. Perhatikan bahwa dalam kasus file yang ditemukan di Web, ini seharusnya bukan URL file, tetapi URL halaman yang berisi file, sehingga editor Commons dapat menemukan informasi latar belakang jika diperlukan.

Where the file is a photograph which shows an identifiable person, the subject's consent may be required as described at Commons:Photographs of identifiable people.

In all cases, the burden of proof lies on the uploader or other person arguing for the file to be retained to demonstrate that as far as can reasonably be determined:

  • the file is in the public domain or is properly licensed, and
  • that any required consent has been obtained.

Dalam kasus file lama, tanggal dan negara publikasi dapat membantu menentukan apakah file tersebut ada di domain publik karena usia.


Precautionary principle

Pengguna Commons berusaha membangun dan memelihara dengan niat baik sebuah repositori berkas media yang sepengetahuan kita bersifat bebas atau berlisensi bebas. Prinsip berjaga-jaga adalah apabila terdapat keraguan yang signifikan mengenai kebebasan suatu berkas tertentu, berkas tersebut sebaiknya dihapus.

Serta, argumen-argumen yang pada dasarnya mengatakan "kita tidak akan terkena masalah", seperti argumen-argumen di bawah, tidak sesuai dengan tujuan Commons:

  1. "Pemilik hak cipta tidak akan susah-susah atau tidak akan mampu menuntut."
  2. "Pemilih hak cipta tidak akan pernah tahu."
  3. "Pemilik hak cipta tidak akan keberatan/harusnya senang melihat kita menyebarluaskan karyanya."
  4. "Tidak ada yang tahu siapa pemilik hak ciptanya, jadi tidak masalah."
  5. "Berkas ini jelas-jelas adalah milik umum. Gambarnya bisa ditemukan di seluruh internet dan tidak ada yang pernah komplain."


Must be realistically useful for an educational purpose

The expression "educational" is to be understood according to its broad meaning of "providing knowledge; instructional or informative".

In the sections below, any use that is not made in good faith does not count. For example, images that are being used on a talk page just to make a point can be discounted.

File in use in another Wikimedia project

A media file that is in use on one of the other projects of the Wikimedia Foundation is considered automatically to be useful for an educational purpose, as is a file in use for some operational reason such as within a template or the like. Such a file is not liable to deletion simply because it may be of poor quality: if it is in use, that is enough.

The uploading of small numbers of images (e.g. of yourself) for use on a personal user page of Commons or another project is allowed as long as that user is or was an active participant on that project.

It should be stressed that Commons does not overrule other projects about what is in scope. If an image is in use on another project (aside from use on talk pages or user pages), that is enough for it to be within scope.

File in use on Commons only

An otherwise non-educational file does not acquire educational purpose solely because it is in use on a gallery page or in a category on Commons, nor solely because it is in use on a user page (the "User:" namespace), but by custom the uploading of small numbers of images (e.g. of yourself) for use on a personal Commons user page is allowed if you are an active, constructive participant on Commons. Files relating to projects or events of the Wikimedia community, such as user meetings, are also allowed.

File not legitimately in use

A media file which is neither:

  • realistically useful for an educational purpose, nor
  • legitimately in use as discussed above

falls outside the scope of Wikimedia Commons.

The emphasis here is on realistic utility, either for one of the Wikimedia projects or for some other educational use. Not all images for example are realistically useful for an educational purpose. An image does not magically become useful by virtue of the argument that it could be used to illustrate a Wikipedia article on X, merely because X happens to be the subject of the photograph.

For example, the fact that an unused blurred photograph could theoretically be used to illustrate an article on "Common mistakes in photography" does not mean that we should keep all blurred photographs. The fact that an unused snapshot of your friend could theoretically be used to illustrate an article on "Photographic portraiture" does not mean that we should keep all photographs of unknown people. The fact that an unused pornographic image could theoretically be used to illustrate an article on pornography does not mean that we should keep low quality pornographic images (see also Censorship).

Excluded from this policy are files in different formats and files which are similar but not exact duplicates in cases where they are needed to keep the file history for legal reasons.


Examples of files that are not realistically useful for an educational purpose:

  • Private image collections, e.g. private party photos, photos of yourself and your friends, your collection of holiday snaps and so on. There are plenty of other projects on the Internet you can use for such a purpose, such as Flickr. Such private image collections do not become educational even if displayed as a gallery on a user page on Commons or elsewhere.
  • Artwork without obvious educational use, including non-educational artwork uploaded to showcase the artist's skills
  • Files apparently created and/or uploaded for the purpose of vandalism or attack. Preexisting designs and symbols that are or have been associated with nationalistic, religious or racist causes are not out of scope solely because they may cause offence. Provided they are legal to host and otherwise fall within Commons scope (e.g. if they could for example be used to illustrate a Wikipedia article on a hate group), they should be kept.
  • Advertising or self-promotion.
  • Files that add nothing educationally distinct to the collection of images we already hold covering the same subject, especially if they are of poor or mediocre quality.


We hold many high-quality images of species-identified birds, and there is no realistic educational use for a small, blurry, poorly composed snapshot of an unidentified and unidentifiable bird. Of course, there is always room for another educationally distinct image, for example illustrating some aspect of bird behaviour that we do not currently cover, even if the image is perhaps not of the highest quality.

There may sometimes be an argument for retaining multiple images that are quite similar from an educational point of view, for the sake of variety and availability of choice, but there is no purpose in our hosting many essentially identical poor-quality images that have no realistic educational value.

New educational files of exceptional quality are always welcome, and the later uploading of such files may in principle render earlier unused poor quality files educationally redundant. However, as indicated above, a file that is used in good faith on a Wikimedia project is always considered educational, so a poor-quality file that remains in use is not eligible for deletion even if a better-quality file covering the same subject later becomes available.

New and existing files of poor or mediocre quality may or may not be realistically useful for an educational purpose depending on what they illustrate and what other files we have of the same subject. Where a subject is rare and/or difficult to capture, even a poor-quality file may be of significant educational value, especially if Commons has very few or no similar files already. On the other hand, poor or mediocre files of common and easy-to-capture subjects may have no realistic educational value, especially if Commons already hosts many similar or better quality examples.

Image quality is just one of the factors that may limit the educational usefulness of a file. Other limiting factors may include low resolution and hard-to-remove watermarks.

PDF and DjVu formats

Although PDF and DjVu file formats are permitted, they are expected to be used only in appropriate cases. There should be some reason for the choice of format that is in line with Commons' aims. All of the above rules apply as well, of course.

An admin considering whether to delete a PDF or DjVu file may have to exercise judgement as to whether the chosen format is in line with Commons' aims, and the context and intent (if known) may be relevant. For example, while a published university thesis in PDF format may be OK, a user-created original-research article that is making use of Commons as a free web-host may not be.

Files that might realistically be useful to one or more other Wikimedia projects, e.g. Wikisource or Wikibooks, should be kept; deletions should not be based on the sole ground that the file would be better hosted on one of those other projects. Any media file that is realistically useful to or is within the scope of even one other Wikimedia Foundation project can be hosted here.

Remember that Wikisource often needs PDF or DjVu files in order to proofread or create source texts: Therefore, scans of suitable editions of notable public domain works are almost always within scope for this reason. That said, remember that editorial decisions involved in preparing a text from several sources may result in a new copyright, so the editions used must be out of copyright themselves.

Allowable reasons for PDF and DjVu formats

  • The format has been selected for convenience of printing.
  • The format has been selected to allow viewing or printing of special fonts, e.g. documents in advanced mathematics or linguistics.
  • The file would be within the scope of another project of the Wikimedia Foundation if it were to be uploaded in the same format to that project, for example:
    • A PDF or DjVu file of a published and peer-reviewed work would be in scope on Wikisource and is therefore also in scope on Commons. Examples of in-scope documents include published books (but not vanity publishing), peer-reviewed academic papers, etc., university theses and dissertations.
    • The file is a scan of a document of historic or other external significance, e.g. scans of existing copyright-free or licensed books, reports, newspapers, etc.
    • The file is usable as a fixed, verifiable source document, e.g. for Wikisource or Wikibooks (appropriate fixation of content).
    • The format selected provides technical advantages to at least one other Wikimedia Foundation project.

Non-allowable reasons for PDF and DjVu formats

  • The format has apparently been selected by the author or uploader to prevent or to discourage the creation of derivative works contrary to Commons' aims. Such inappropriate fixation of content would include a self-published vanity article or a self-created image that the author has uploaded in PDF format in an effort to discourage others from creating derivatives.
  • The content is essentially raw text; such files are not considered media files. Note that scans of existing books, reports, newspapers etc of historic or other external significance are not excluded on this ground, even if they contain no images.
  • The content would be prohibited under another section; for example, promotional material is outside Commons' scope regardless of the file format.

Ruang lingkup bagian 2: Halaman, galeri dan kategori

Lihat Commons:Cakupan proyek/Halaman, galeri dan kategori.

Sepatah kata mengenai beberapa hal tertentu yang perlu diperhatikan


Berkas dan materi lain yang secara hukum tidak diperbolehkan dihos oleh Commons di peladennya di Virginia akan langsung dihapus begitu diketahui melanggar hukum (termasuk pelanggaran hak cipta), meskipun apabila materinya berada di dalam cakupan Commons, yang dijelaskan di atas. Namun, Commons tidak disensor, dan bisa mengandung konten yang beberapa pengguna mungkin anggap tidak dapat diterima atau menghina. Kebijakan "Commons tidak disensor" berarti suatu berkas yang secara hukum boleh dihos, yang termasuk dalam definisi cakupan Commons, tidak akan dihapus hanya karena berkas tersebut tidak "ramah anak-anak" atau karena berkas tersebut dianggap menghina Anda atau orang lain, untuk alasan moral, pribadi, agama, sosial, atau alasan lainnya.

Di sisi lain, pernyataan "Commons tidak disensor" bukanlah argumen yang valid untuk mempertahankan berkas yang berada di luar cakupan Commons, sebagaimana yang dijelaskan di atas. Foto telanjang yang berisi kelamin laki-laki dan perempuan terkadang diunggah untuk motif selain pendidikan, dan gambar tersebut juga harus memenuhi aturan cakupan Commons. Jika gambarnya dapat ditunjukkan berkualitas rendah, atau tidak punya perbedaan yang mendidik dibandingkan dengan gambar-gambar serupa yang sudah kita simpan, gambar tersebut bisa dinilai gagal memenuhi syarat berguna secara realistis untuk tujuan pendidikan.

Harus tercapai keseimbangan antara menerima berkas media yang berguna dengan konten yang benar-benar mendidik meskipun beberapa orang mungkin merasa kontennya bersifat menghina, dan tidak memperbolehkan Commons digunakan sebagai layanan penyimpanan media untuk keperluan umum (seperti Flickr, Photobucket, YouTube, dll.), tanpa memperhatikan tujuan proyek yang sudah disebutkan. Tujuan Commons adalah untuk menjadi repositori media, sumber daya konten media yang bersumber terbuka, berguna, dan dapat diandalkan; terorganisasi dan komprehensif cakupannya (dengan deskripsi/informasi berkas yang akurat), mendidik, dan dimaksudkan untuk digunakan baik oleh proyek-proyek Wikimedia, maupun sebagai layanan publik yang dapat diakses secara bebas oleh siapa saja.

"Sudut pandang netral"

Lihat Commons:Cakupan proyek/Sudut pandang netral untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang perbedaan Commons dengan proyek Wikipedia dalam hal sudut pandang netral dan riset asli.

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