14 Ways To Exercise Smarter And Better At Work

We spend over half of our lives split between full-time work (2,000 hours) and eight hours of nightly sleep (2,920). The other 44% of our life may be spent running errands and taking care of our families. But when is there time to take care of ourselves? The good news is that it is easy … Read more

This Is How You Can Manage Chronic Pain At Work

According to the United States Department of Labor, Labor Day is a “yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country.” Since it’s estimated that around 100 million United States citizens suffer from chronic pain, it’s safe to assume that a lot of our country’s workers deal … Read more

How To Exercise At The Office To Relieve Your Pain

Sitting has been called the new smoking, with the average U.S. adult spending upwards of eight hours a day seated, a lifestyle linked to weight gain and increased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. We discuss some of the best ways to exercise at the office, especially if you’re suffering from a chronic pain condition. … Read more

Workplace Wellness Programs Target Employee Health

Work is a top cause of stress, and when that stress seeps into a company’s culture, it often results in unhappy, unproductive employees who may suffer from health concerns like chronic back pain. These effects have real consequences for companies that are trying to stay competitive. In one study, 42% of workers cited job stress … Read more

Top 5 Dangers Of Sitting And How To Stay Safe

A sedentary lifestyle has been linked to a host of health issues, including obesity, back pain, and osteoporosis. Sitting is dangerous enough to be considered the new smoking, according to JustStand.org. The average U.S. adult sits for eight hours each day, reports U.S. News, but that number is higher for many people who may work in … Read more