Dr. Paul Lynch Headlines Arizona Physician Magazine’s Summer 2020 Issue

Our own Dr. Paul Lynch was recently selected to headline the Summer 2020 issue of Arizona Physician magazine, a physician-led publication for Maricopa County Medical Society members. In “Inspired to Fight a Deadly Virus,” Edward Araujo profiles Paul Lynch, MD about his volunteer work during the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City and eventual contracting of … Read more

Arizona Pain Is Actively Recruiting For 
Clinical Trials

Clinical trial researchers test a variety of new treatments for various medical conditions. Clinical trials that prove successful receive approval and eventually become a part of the standard treatments for a certain pain condition. This research is incredibly important, and at Arizona Pain, we are committed to advancing the practice of pain medicine by taking part in … Read more

The Latest On The CDC Opioid Pain Management Guidelines

In March of this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released new pain management guidelines for health care providers relating to opioid use called the Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain. Specifically, these guidelines laid out suggestions on how physicians should curtail writing prescriptions for opioids. In the case of chronic pain … Read more

How Does The Placebo Effect Work?

Chronic pain is a serious issue and is a constant concern for those who suffer from it. There are many treatments for pain depending on the source. These can include medications, therapies, and even surgery. Effectiveness often depends on the severity of the condition and which treatment method is employed. However, there is also a … Read more

Our Bodies “Remember” Pain, New Pain Research Says

Pain is an important part of all of our lives. It lets us know when we are injured or have a problem that need to be addressed. However, pain can become an issue when it stops being acute and evolves into a more chronic condition after the cause has been resolved. It is believed that … Read more

Arizona Pain Performs First DRG Stimulation Procedure

Arizona Pain, part of the Pain Doctor family, has performed the first dorsal root ganglion (DRG) stimulation procedure in Arizona, offering pain patients new hope for a pain-free future. DRG stimulation is a minimally-invasive procedure designed to help treat refractory or unresponsive pain in patients who have tried a number of different treatment methods. Arizona Pain provides … Read more

How Has The Affordable Care Act Improved Care For Pain Patients?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is one of the most monumental bills passed in the United States in the last decade and is the single largest change to the health care system since the passage of Medicaid and Medicare in 1965. Its purpose is to fundamentally alter the U.S. health care system by expanding affordable … Read more

Arizona Pain’s Report On The New CDC Opioid Guidelines

As you may know, last year the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) published a draft of some very controversial new opioid prescribing guidelines for those with chronic pain. These guidelines were meant to reduce the number of people in the U.S. who are taking opioids, as dependency, overdose, and abuse were on the rise. While … Read more

Google Moves Into Medicine

With the wealth of information available online these days, it seems like suddenly everyone is a doctor. This can be problematic for doctors who believe that this knowledge should only be delivered under a physician’s care, but the truth of the matter is this: Google is the largest search engine in the world, and patients … Read more

Rising Opioid Prescription Rates May Be Ushering In Heroin Epidemic, Researchers Say

Increasing opioid prescription rates have escalated the number of people abusing the drug. And while the majority people taking the pills don’t abuse them, the epidemic and its implications are shaping the national drug abuse conversation. Frighteningly, some measures intended to curb the disturbing trend have only turned the most vulnerable opioid abusers onto heroin. … Read more