What You Can Do To Manage Your Cancer Pain

Cancer pain affects one in three people with cancer. If patients are in late-stage cancer or have experienced metastasis or a recurrence of cancer, the chances of experiencing cancer pain are even higher. Cancer pain has many different causes, each one of which may respond differently to treatment. Here’s how you can manage your cancer … Read more

6 Ways To Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer to affect women, but fortunately, there are many ways to reduce the risk. Most people—men can develop the disease, too—who develop breast cancer don’t have the disease in their family, according to BreastCancer.org. Up to 10% of cases are linked to gene mutations like BRCA 1 … Read more

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month: What You Need To Know

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time to encourage women to perform self-exams and stay aware of their health. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women, affecting one in eight during their lifetimes, according to Breastcancer.org. As many as 85% of women who are diagnosed have no cases in … Read more

World Cancer Day Highlights Solutions For Rising Cancer Rates

This Feb. 4 people around the world will honor World Cancer Day, a time devoted to raising awareness about cancer solutions. News reports often emphasize the number of deaths and escalating rates of those affected. However, greater knowledge about the disease and improvements in treatment, prevention, and detection have at the same time increased the … Read more

Movember: Shining A Light On Men’s Health

If you’ve seen more men than usual walking around with facial hair, it may be because November marks Movember, the month-long effort to raise money and awareness about men’s health conditions including prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health. Since Movember’s official start in 2004, the effort has raised nearly $560 million, helping to fund … Read more

September On Inside Arizona Pain

Fall is finally in the air, and cooler temperatures bring plenty of time to catch up on reading. September was a big month for people affected by chronic pain because it marked Pain Awareness Month, Stand Up To Cancer Day, and Healthy Aging Month. All month long during Pain Awareness Month, patients, advocates, and others … Read more

Elderly Doesn’t Have To Mean In Pain

Extended life expectancies have resulted in a rapidly growing population of people living well into their 80s, 90s, and beyond. After all those years, the cumulative effects of running, jumping, working, and living can be felt in the bones. And the back. And sometimes the knees. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Although … Read more

Fight Cancer On Stand Up To Cancer Day

Cancer research stands at a critical junction. Never before has technology and knowledge about cellular behavior been so advanced. However, federal funding shortfalls have led a decline in funding for cancer research, says oncologist Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee. Increases in funding from pharmaceutical companies have helped make up some of the gap, but scientists worry that … Read more

Technology Advances The Fight Against Cancer Pain

Cancer pain affects a third of patients and up to 10% of survivors, according to Mayo Clinic and the Journal of Clinical Oncology. Pain can result from the cancer itself, treatment to fight the cancer, or from surgery required to remove the growth. Cancer is a complex disease, and treating it is a similarly complex … Read more

Recipe: Roasted Carrot Ribbons With Spices

These carrots are equal parts delicious and nutritious eaten on their own, but with this preparation, they can be used as an extra special garnish too! Sliced into thin ribbons and roasted with fragrant spices, they will make a great addition to a large salad or a bowl of pasta or soup. Adding more carrots … Read more