Can Injections For Knee Pain Help Patients?

Knee pain can be a huge inconvenience in your everyday life. Arthritis, the most common form of knee pain, can make it hard to be active, which can interfere with your favorite hobby or just enjoying a walk in the park. You are not alone if you have chronic knee pain. One-third of people in … Read more

October Reads On Arizona Pain: Living Well With Arthritis, Breast Cancer Awareness News

This month on Arizona Pain, we dove into breast cancer awareness and living better with arthritis. The topics are timely because October marks awareness initiatives for both conditions. Education is one of our cornerstone philosophies for excellent, effective patient care, and awareness efforts dovetail with that mission. We wanted to bring you the latest research … Read more

How To Exercise Safely With Knee Osteoarthritis

People living with knee osteoarthritis often find it painful to move. Eroding cartilage in the knee can make it painful to walk or navigate the stairs. However exercise is one the best non-drug treatments to reduce pain and improve mobility, making it important for osteoarthritis patients to find a way to move despite the pain. … Read more

Gift Ideas For People With Arthritis

The holidays mark the perfect time to gift someone with arthritis a special something that will make their days a little brighter with arthritis gifts. Arthritis affects more than 50 million people in the U.S., according to the Arthritis Foundation, making the chances good that you know at least one person with the disorder. Many … Read more

Can A Vegan Diet Improve Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms?

Eating a diet full of fruits and vegetables, which offer an array of nature’s most potent anti-inflammatory compounds, is commonly recommended to help quiet inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Some people are going one step further and adopting a vegan diet, which involves eliminating meat and animal products, such as milk and cheese. Several studies … Read more

Research Studies Update

What’s going on in the Research department. By Ted Swing, Ph.D. The development of new treatments for pain depends on studies called clinical trials. Clinical trials are studies that typically take place at many locations around the country — sometimes around the world. The study is supported by a sponsor, but the treatments are overseen … Read more

Recipe: Sunrise Muffins

These muffins are so flavorful that you’ll never know you’re eating something that’s good for you too! The secret ingredient in them is pineapple, which simultaneously makes the muffins moist on the inside and caramelizes to sugary-sweet perfection on the outside. Pineapple is naturally rich in an enzyme, called bromelain. A general health booster and … Read more