April Reads: Promoting Mental Health

From stress to depression and beyond, some type of mental health issue affects millions of people in the U.S. Even those without a clinical disorder often face occasional anxiety or bouts of sadness they may not know how to handle. For people living with chronic pain, treating the mind is just as important as treating … Read more

Arizona Medical News: From Doctor Shortages To Cancer Care

Arizona, with its numerous medical schools and leading research institutions like Mayo Clinic and downtown Phoenix’s Translational Genomics Research Institute, is often on the cutting edge of medical news. The state’s continued growth also put several public health issues on the front burner. Here’s a roundup of some of the biggest, most interesting medical news … Read more

Healthy Eating The Fast, Cheap, and Easy Way

Adopting healthy eating choices is probably one of the single most important things you can do to manage pain, no matter the condition you suffer from. Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats like those found in nuts and olive oils contain powerful micronutrients that work to reduce pain-causing inflammation and help you … Read more