lower back pain – Arizona Pain https://arizonapain.com Pain Clinics in Phoenix, Chandler, Gilbert, Glendale, Tempe, and Scottsdale Tue, 22 Mar 2022 17:33:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://arizonapain.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/cropped-Arizona_Pain_Logo_ONLY_3__tgpct8-scaled-1-32x32.webp lower back pain – Arizona Pain https://arizonapain.com 32 32 Why Is Weight Loss So Important For Reducing Back Pain? https://arizonapain.com/weight-loss-and-back-pain/ Sat, 29 Jan 2022 13:00:00 +0000 http://arizonapain.com/?p=23321

Weight loss and exercise are wonderful ways to prevent back pain, but did you also know that healthy movement could reduce existing back pain? It’s true. Researchers at Stanford University found that overweight people who increased the amount of time they spent moving by just 20 minutes daily reduced their risk of back pain by 32%. Weight loss has also been tied to a reduction in back pain. Shedding pounds through diet and exercise supports your back health in numerous ways. Here’s why, and later, how to lose weight in a healthy way.

1. Eating healthy, anti-inflammatory foods does a body good

Overweight people may eat diets full of fatty and sugary foods. These foods create inflammatory proteins that aggravate back pain. Conversely, eating powerful, healing foods such as cherries, salmon, and green tea fills your body with antioxidants that reduce inflammation and may reduce pain.

A study conducted at Michigan State University found that anthocyanins, the antioxidant that gives cherries their signature red color, may inhibit pain in essentially the same way as anti-inflammatory drugs. Other brightly colored fruits and vegetables contain similar natural compounds that fight pain. As a bonus, eating fruits and vegetables instead of processed, high-fat food can help people lose weight.

2. Exercised-induced weight loss builds muscle strength and reduces inflammation

Strengthening muscles in your abdomen and those surrounding your spine helps support your back and reduce pain. Without exercise, those same muscles weaken, leaving your spinal column to support the body’s weight alone. In overweight people, that task overwhelms the spine and often leads to back problems.

study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that overweight and obese men who exercised for one hour each week reduced their risk of back pain by 20%. Researchers attributed the reduction to exercise’s work in reducing inflammation often found in overweight people.

3. Weight loss reduces the risk of conditions that may lead to back pain

Carrying excess weight and living a sedentary lifestyle have been linked to many health conditions, such as osteoarthritis and herniated discs, both of which can lead to back pain. Losing weight and exercising promotes a healthy skeleton and can reduce back pain.

weight loss

5 ways to lose weight, in a healthy and not-starving kind of way 

Weight-loss efforts have the tendency to quickly morph from an initiative designed to help you feel better into one fueled by self-destructive behaviors like skipping meals and obsessively weighing yourself.

Successful ways to lose weight — meaning a person drops pounds and keeps them off while staying healthy — have one thing in common: they’re undertaken as a lifestyle shift.

Losing weight requires thinking about food differently, fundamentally changing habits and behaviors to support a slimmer body. Restricting calorie intake until you lose five pounds and then returning to your typical eating methods doesn’t work.

But here are five weight-loss strategies that do.

1. Eat every meal

Skipping meals makes people hungry. And when extreme hunger strikes, it’s very difficult to make good eating choices. You may eat a half a bag of chips while waiting for your lunch to cook or scarf down a candy bar because your blood sugar has dropped and you need food now!

Instead of skipping meals, eat plenty of food, and eat often. While many people find three meals a day plenty, some research has shown that eating more frequent, smaller meals may be effective for supporting weight-loss efforts.

Research conducted at the University of Eastern Finland found that adolescents who ate five meals a day were less likely to be obese, regardless of their genetic propensity toward accumulating extra weight. Eating breakfast was a particularly important meal for keeping a trim waistline, researchers added.

In the Finland study, participants ate three meals and two snacks. Making sure to eat the right kinds of food is key to making any weight-loss strategy work, whether you eat three times a day or five.

Fill your plate with vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains that are as minimally processed as possible. Eat healthy, unprocessed snacks like celery and peanut butter, almonds and raisins, or a piece of fruit.

Food is fuel, and eating regular meals is particularly important for diabetics, who must maintain even levels of blood sugar. It’s also important for those who may be suffering from fatigue along with pain because eating every few hours helps keep energy levels high and give the body the nourishment it needs to heal itself.

2. Seek support

Some people can lose weight on their own. Others may find it helpful to embark on their journey with the support of a group, like Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. These groups help people by giving food guidelines. They also provide accountability to those who need a little extra push to stay on track with eating goals.

If you’re not sure how to eat healthy, those groups are wonderful resources to learn how to choose food. Jenny Craig sells packaged food for you to eat while Weight Watchers guides people through a point system, where you can eat whatever you want as long as you stay within the required number of points.

These programs provide professional support as well as the opportunity to connect with others working to lose weight, but they can be costly. If you’d like to find encouragement without the high price tag, consider joining a weight loss support group like those on Meetup.com.

And if you need help learning how to eat healthy, consider ascribing to a diet style, like the Mediterranean diet, which emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats like those in fish and nuts. Mediterranean diet cookbooks are readily available and a wonderful starting point for those embarking on a weight loss journey. Try The Mediterranean Diet for Beginners, which comes with 40 recipes and a weeklong diet plan to take the guesswork out of eating healthy.

3. Eat family meals

Busy schedules prevent many families from eating together, but research has found gathering around the dinner table may help you lose weight.

Research published in The Journal of Pediatrics found that family meals—even one or two each week—helped protect against rising levels of adolescent obesity. Researchers say:

“Coming together for meals may provide opportunities for emotional connections among family members, the food is more likely to be healthful, and adolescents may be exposed to parental modeling of healthful eating behaviors.”

4. Plan ahead to lose weight

Changing habits is never easy, but good planning helps create the inertia needed to shift diet choices.

Each week, perhaps on a Saturday or Sunday, plan ahead what you’ll eat for the following week. Find a few healthy recipes, whether on a food blog or from a cookbook, and buy all the necessary ingredients so you have them on hand.

Knowing what to eat takes the guesswork and thinking out of meal planning. The question of “What should I eat?” never seems to go away, partially because once it’s solved for one meal, it’s already time to figure out the next.

Most people have go-to meals, ones they make without even thinking. The idea is to create a new set of healthy, nutritious go-to meals through planning. Without planning ahead, lunchtime will come around, you’ll wonder what to eat, and end up eating an unhealthy go-to meal. Then you won’t meet your weight-loss goals, get mad at yourself, and develop the misconception that you’re not capable of losing weight.

It’s just not true! You can lose weight. It just requires good planning. Another part of planning ahead is deciding how you’ll handle those times you’re busy and don’t have time or the desire to cook.

Maybe you know you’ll be busy on Tuesday night, so on Monday, you make a big batch of soup, or pre-cut vegetables for a salad or quick stir-fry. Cooking in batches is a wonderful way to reduce the amount of time and energy spent cooking.

Many people with chronic pain might find it hard to chop vegetables or cook due to issues with joint pain or fatigue. In that case, you may plan ahead by buying pre-chopped vegetables. Or, ask a friend or family member to help you with cutting.

Achieve your desired weight loss by knowing what speed bumps you’ll face and plan ways to get around them. The obstacles will never go away, but you can develop ways to succeed despite them.

lose weight

5. Indulge strategically

If you love chocolate, or cake, or ice cream, designate a cheat day where you can enjoy your favorites. You might also designate meals where you enjoy any fried or unhealthy food you want.

Losing weight is more about the choices you make over time, and not those made on any one given day. Taking the opportunity to enjoy delicious, but not-as-healthy foods makes eating healthy a true, sustainable lifestyle. It’s better to cheat once a week than to avoid cookies for months and binge by eating a whole box.

By looking to make lifestyle shifts, instead of depriving yourself on a restrictive diet, your plan to lose weight transforms from a torturous endeavor into a wonderful adventure. One characterized by learning about health and making choices every day to become a healthier, slimmer, more vibrant you.

What is your best tip to lose weight for reducing and preventing back pain? Ready to talk to a doctor about treating your back pain. Find one in your area here

11 Middle Back Pain Stretches And Exercises To Relieve Pain https://arizonapain.com/middle-back-pain-exercises/ Tue, 10 Aug 2021 13:00:00 +0000 http://arizonapain.com/?p=20368

Lower back pain is a common complaint across the globe and it’s one of the leading causes of disability. What gets less attention but is arguably harder to treat than lower back pain is middle back pain. Middle back pain can be a complex condition, with many patients never finding out the root cause of it. The middle back is a complex part of the spine: its job protecting the vital organs is crucial, but it’s also susceptible to stubborn pain. If you suffer from middle back pain, here are some stretches and exercises that can help. As always, talk to your doctor to ensure these exercises will be helpful for your unique case.

What causes middle back pain?

Upper and middle back pain is not as common as lower back or neck pain, but it still accounts for a sizable amount of pain. The upper and middle part of the back are known as the thoracic back. This part of the back contains the T1 through T12 vertebrae, part of the rib cage, and various muscles and ligaments that hold your spine together.

While the lower back and neck are made to be more flexible, the upper and middle parts of the back, along with the rib cage, are built for support and to protect many of the vital organs of the human body. This rigid structure means that the middle and upper back are naturally less mobile. It also means that when something happens to this area of the spine—trauma or another condition—it can be more difficult to treat.

On the positive side, many common complaints in the lower back and the neck are rare in the middle back. Spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, or disc herniation are rarely reported as a cause of middle back pain.

The main causes of upper and middle back pain occur from overuse or an injury that usually develops from continuous strain or bad posture. Continual high stress can also cause muscle tension, which can eventually devolve into a vicious cycle of stressing over ever-increasing pain that even affects your sleep.

Conditions that put pressure on the spinal nerves can also cause upper and middle back pain, such as a fracture of a vertebrae, scoliosis, or osteoarthritis.

This is especially true for those who work at a computer every day or who work in highly repetitive and physically active industries (e.g., warehouse work and construction).

Middle back pain symptoms

Some common middle back pain symptoms include:

  • Pain that is either localized or spread over a large area
  • Discomfort with a slow onset that gradually increases in intensity
  • Pain made worse by certain activities or positions
  • Variable pain that can be dull, sharp, or burning

In some cases, upper and middle back pain can be a sign of much more severe issues such as a cancerous tumor and diseases that affect the heart, lungs, and kidneys. If you experience any of the following symptoms, make sure you consult a physician immediately:

  • Numbness or weakness in your extremities, chest, or stomach
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control
  • Chest pain or pressure
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fever

Upper and middle back pain is also a common symptom of heart attack in women. If the onset of pain is sudden without any physical trauma, contact your doctor immediately.

How to stretch the middle back 

The one thing that most back pain has in common is that it can be relieved with simple stretches and exercises to build muscle strength and reduce tension. Mid-back stretches and middle back strengthening exercises can offer profound relief and healing for many chronic pain conditions.

But this area of the body can be difficult to stretch. The skeletal structure only allows movement so far in one direction; you cannot stretch bone. There is no need for huge, dramatic stretches, though. One way to think about it is to imagine the shoulder blades as flat plates that can be shifted around on the back. Connected to muscles and tendons, even starting with this simple visualization can be helpful.

Back stretches for middle back pain

There are many different ways to treat middle back pain. Options like ice therapy, over-the-counter medications, and massage only provide temporary symptom relief. Incorporating regular middle back strengthening exercises can go a long way towards a more permanent reduction of pain.

Middle back pain stretches should be incorporated gradually and with your doctor’s supervision. Remember when doing these stretches to pay attention to your breathing and to never hold your breath. Exhale while stretching the muscle and inhale when you start to relax it. Pay attention to how it feels when you move. If something feels “off” or causes sharp, stabbing pain, move carefully out of the stretch.

These eight middle back pain stretches are a great place to start. You can also find more in our yoga for middle back pain post.

1. Seated twist

A simple stretch you can do at the office or while sitting in front of the computer is a seated twist. Inhale deeply, then as you exhale, press your navel to your spine as you twist to the right. If your chair has armrests, place the right hand on the back of the right armrest and the left on the front. If not, place your right arm on the back of the chair and let your left arm come to the outside of your right thigh.

If it feels good for your neck, you can look gently over your right shoulder. Otherwise, just look forward or to the side. Hold for three to five full breaths, sitting tall on the inhale and pressing your navel to your spine on the exhale. Return to the center on an inhale, then twist to the other side.

middle back stretches
yoga, fitness, sport, and healthy lifestyle concept – group of people sitting in half lord of the fishes pose on mat outdoors on river or lake berth

2. Passive back bend

A passive back bend is an amazing stretch to do at the end of a long day and requires minimal effort. Start by rolling up a towel or use a pillow or yoga bolster. Lay it down horizontally so your shoulder blades can lay across it. Lie across the rolled-up item so your shoulder blades are supported.

Breathe deeply and relax into this stretch for at least five minutes. If you would like a deeper stretch, you can turn the pillow or towel so that it runs vertically up and down your spine, or you can add another pillow.

3. Supported hamstring stretch

Hamstrings stretches should be part of middle back strengthening exercises. Try a supported hamstring stretch. It’s easy on the back and only requires a chair.

Stand in front of a sturdy chair and place the heel of one foot up on the seat. Hinge at your hips to fold forward with your navel to your spine and a long, straight spine. If you feel any pain behind your knee, bend the knee. You want to feel this stretch in the belly of your hamstring.

Take three to five full, deep breaths, lengthening your spine on the inhale, and folding on the exhale. Switch sides. This is a good stretch to do periodically during the day.

4. Cat-cow pose

The cat-cow yoga pose can really help with back pain. Start on all fours with shoulders over wrists and hips over knees. Come into cow pose. Inhale, arch your lower back to let your belly reach towards the ground as you draw your shoulder blades onto your back. Let your heart shine through your upper arms and lift your gaze to the sky.

As you exhale, tuck your pelvis under and arch your back like a cat, letting the shoulder blades fall away from each other as you press your hands into the ground and drop your head.

Follow your breath for a series of five of these mid-back stretches.

5. Heart-melting pose

Heart-melting pose is also called “puppy pose” in yoga. Start on all fours with your hips directly above your knees. Keep your knees and hips in one straight line as you walk your hands forward to lower your forehead towards the ground.

If this pose feels too intense on your shoulders, keep your arms separated. You can also place a bolster or a couple of pillows underneath your chest (and a block underneath your forehead) if you cannot quite reach the ground.

Breathe here for at least ten breaths, then slowly walk your hands towards you to come out of the stretch.

6. Thread the needle

Start on all fours with your hips directly above your knees and your shoulders above your wrists. Inhale, then twist your torso to reach your right hand behind your left wrist, lower your body so that your shoulder and the right side of your face rests on the ground and the back of your right arm is on the ground stretching towards the left. You can keep your left hand where it is or stretch it forward. Take three to five breaths in this pose, then press into your left hand to unwind.

Repeat on the other side.

7. Shoulder flossing

Shoulder flossing moves the shoulder blades gently through their range of motion. It is the same shoulder action as cat and cow pose, only this time you keep your lower body still and engaged, with your navel pressing to your spine.

On all fours, inhale and press the floor away, feeling your shoulder blades slide away from each other. Exhale and drop your chest so that your shoulder blades come together on your back.

Repeat three or four times.

8. Half-dog at the wall

Half-dog at the wall is a great upper and mid-back stretch that also stretches tight hamstrings. Stand at the wall with your hands flat on the wall. Walk your feet back and begin to hinge at the hips, walking your hands down the wall to gradually form an “L” shape with your body.

Pull your navel to your spine and move your shoulder blades together and down your back as you reach the crown of your head towards the wall. This creates space between your shoulders and your ears. Let your chest relax towards the ground but keep your belly engaged.

If your hamstrings are tight, bend your knees slightly, but make sure that your hips and ankles are in one line. Take three to five breaths here, then slowly walk your hands up the wall as you walk your feet forward.

Middle back exercises to try

It’s important to support your middle back pain stretches with some whole-body exercise and targeted middle back strengthening exercises. Improving your overall level of fitness is a great way to address the mental health aspects of chronic pain as well. A stronger back is also less prone to further injury in the future.

For low-impact exercise, consider beginning a walking program or hopping in a pool three to five times a week. Both of these offer full-body exercise that works well if you are still in the acute stages of injury. Engaging in tai chi or yoga is another great meditative way to slowly increase your fitness level, in both body and mind!

Once you are feeling stronger and can add some cardio, the following are great options:

  • Stair climbing
  • Using a rowing machine
  • Biking

As your fitness level increases, you can also start to add some specific strengthening exercises. Try these three middle back strengthening exercises to start.

Senior Hispanic couple on bikes

1. Resistance band pulls

Stand with feet parallel and hip-distance apart. Holding a resistance band, lift your arms out in front of you at shoulder height. Keep your navel engaged and stand tall.

Inhale, and on an exhale pull hands away from each other. Squeeze your shoulder blades together as your hands separate, then slowly release back to center. Repeat three to five times for three sets, increasing either the number of repetitions or moving your hands closer together as you get stronger.

2. Dumbbell row

This can be completed on all fours or with the use of a bench or a chair.

On all fours, start with a dumbbell in each hand. Engage your navel to keep your lower back supported. Inhale, and on an exhale, slowly lift your elbow to bring the dumbbell in your right hand to your armpit. Keep your arm hugged close to your body.

If you are using a bench, your left knee and hand stays on the bench and your right leg stays on the ground as you row on the right side. Aim for five to seven rows, starting with one set and working up to three.

3. High plank dumbbell row

If you want to combine a core-strengthening exercise with a cardio workout and muscle strengthening all rolled into one low-impact exercise, this is the move for you.

Come into high plank with your hands wrapped around dumbbells instead of on the ground. Makes sure your shoulders and hips are in line. Press your navel towards the sky to keep your lower back safe.

Moving on either an inhale or an exhale (whichever feels most natural to you), shift your weight into your left hand as you bend your elbow and bring the right dumbbell to your armpit (as in the dumbbell row). Alternate sides, making sure to maintain proper plank form with the crown of your head reaching forward, and your heels reaching back.

Complete three to five on each side, rest, and try another set. Again, increase either the number of repetitions or the amount of weight, one at a time.

How to relieve middle back pain 

Middle back pain stretches and strengthening are a great way to work on healing middle back pain, but what if they don’t completely help with your pain? Sometimes you need more than one approach. Physical therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture, and some types of injections are other treatment options to consider.

At Arizona Pain, we know that middle back pain can seem like an unsolvable riddle. With therapeutic options tailored to you, we can help you put the pieces together. Get in touch today.

Is Walking Good For Lower Back Pain? https://arizonapain.com/is-walking-good-for-lower-back-pain/ Mon, 16 Jul 2018 13:00:48 +0000 http://arizonapain.com/?p=23521

Back pain is the second leading cause for visits to the doctor and the most common reason for missed work. Economically, low back pain alone costs the U.S. $100-$200 billion annually. On a personal level, back pain impacts a person’s ability to function in life every day, from small things like cooking dinner to picking up a child. Cost of treatment should not be a deciding factor on whether or not a back pain sufferer finds relief. What if the key to curing your low back pain was as easy as slipping on some shoes? And what if that same cure was free? What about walking? Is walking good for lower back pain? Walking may not cure the most severe forms of chronic back pain, but in many cases, walking is the cheapest, easiest, and most effective way to help heal and prevent back pain.

Is walking good for lower back pain?

Dr. Michal Katz-Leurer from Tel Aviv University’s Stanley Steyer School of Health Professions at the Sackler faculty of medicine and colleague Ilana Shnayderman, a graduate student at the department of physical therapy and a practicing physiotherapist at Maccabi Health Care, found in a recent small-scale study that a program of daily 20-minute aerobic walking that gradually increased to 40 minutes as endurance built was just as effective for low back pain as a twice-weekly muscle-strengthening program typical of physical therapy clinics for back pain.

The walking in the above trial was “aerobic,” meaning that participants were not just strolling along. A slow walk, while not as damaging as high-impact activities such as running, compresses the low back at a steady, constant rate and does not flex the spine.

Faster walking allows more movement and motion in the spine, especially when swinging arms are added. This ups the aerobic ante, too, allowing not only for therapeutic relief of back pain but also cardiovascular benefits.

Why is walking good for lower back pain?

Movement in the back and spine seems to be one of the keys to treatment, and another beneficial type of walking is that of hiking with a loaded backpack over varied terrain. Adding 20 to 25 pounds of weight in a backpack forces the body to remain upright to balance the weight. The uneven terrain helps promote increased movement in the lower body, moving the spine and its attendant muscles.

In addition to promoting movement, which increases blood flow to muscles, and spinal flexibility, walking promotes an overall feeling of well-being.

Aerobic walking releases serotonin and releases endorphins, both “feel-good” chemicals in the brain. Combining this feel-good release of chemicals with work in the large muscles of the torso and legs actually distracts the brain with overwhelming signals. This may result in a decrease in the sensation of pain. This is simply because your brain is too busy processing your large-muscle movement and the surge of serotonin. This is the gate-theory of pain control. Large signals get more attention than small signals, and muscle movement is a larger signal than pain.

How to get started with walking for lower back pain

Talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise program, then lace up your shoes. Here are a few starting guidelines.

is walking good for lower back pain

Start slowly, then work up

Especially if you have not exercised in a while, it is important to begin slowly. You needn’t plan on hours-long walks. You may start with just ten minutes of walking around the block or on the treadmill. As you gain strength and endurance, add time or intensity, one at a time (not concurrently). So go for longer walks at the same rate or walks of the same distance at a faster pace.

If you can sing when you walk, speed up

The rule of thumb for aerobic walking is if you can sing, you are not going fast enough to realize the most benefit. A good aerobic pace is when you can hold a conversation but not belt out a Broadway tune.

Use good form

Many people with low back pain suffer from lordosis, an overarching of the lumbar curve. This compresses the lumbar vertebrae and causes pain and can eventually cause serious damage. Before you start, take some time to check your posture. Raise your arms above your head (or high as you can if you have shoulder pain) and see what the rest of your body does. If your ribs stick out or your back arch increases, this is good information.

To begin to correct lordosis, lengthen your tailbone down without hunching forward. Lift up tall through the crown of your head. To place your shoulders where they belong, roll them forward, up, then back. Your shoulder blades should be on your back, tailbone should stretching down without tucking the pelvis, ribs should not be splaying forward, and crown of the head should be lengthening up.

Recognize there may be soreness, but don’t ignore pain

You may be sore after your first session. You are exercising muscles and flexing vertebrae that may be stiff from overuse. And, you are likely waking up areas in your body that have had a long slumber, so some soreness is normal and to be expected. Pain, however, is another story. Sharp, stabbing pain, or pain that radiates is a warning sign to back off. Do not ignore your body’s signals, but don’t be scared off by the soreness that comes after a good workout.

Recruit support

Sticking with exercise, especially when it might cause some soreness initially, can be difficult. Make your walks a time to catch up with your kids or visit with friends. Scheduling your walks as social time instead of just a work out can help you get into a routine and stick with it.

While a program of regular exercise can be difficult to get started (and stick with!), it is important to understand that you are not alone in trying to improve your health – literally. More evidence is growing that regular walking groups are good for not only your body but also your mind. Creating a walking group is a great way to improve your health while building supportive, positive relationships in your community.

Start a walking group

The idea of gathering in a group to exercise is not new, but recent research has shown that people who joined walking groups experienced lower blood pressure, resting heart rate, and total cholesterol. Additionally, they had a lower body mass index, a good indicator of physical fitness, and were more likely to stick with regular exercise than those who walked alone.

Researchers from the University of East Anglia used data gathered from over 1,800 study participants in 14 countries. These walkers spent a total of 74,000 hours walking in groups. They included people with health conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, fibromyalgia, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Study leader Sarah Hanson of UEA’s Norwich Medical School pointed out that it isn’t just the activity that makes a walking group such a powerful tool for good health, saying:

“People who walk in groups also tend to have a more positive attitude toward physical activity, a shared experience of wellness, and say they feel less lonely and isolated. Taking regular walks can also be a catalyst for adopting other healthy behaviours. The research evidence suggests people enjoy attending walking groups and appear less likely to drop out than many other forms of activity.”

Get outdoors

The social benefits of walks appear to be amplified when they are taken out in nature instead of in a gym or at a track, even helping to ameliorate depression and stress.

Researchers at the University of Michigan found that outdoor group walking significantly boosted mood and improved walkers’ sense of well-being. Senior author Sara Warber, M.D., associate professor of family medicine at the U-M Medical School and member of the Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation, studied nearly 2,000 people participating in walks through the Walking for Health program in England. This program organizes over 70,000 walkers into 3,000 walks annually.

Warber pointed out the high return on investment when joining a walking group, specifically one that meets outdoors, saying:

“Walking is an inexpensive, low risk and accessible form of exercise and it turns out that combined with nature and group settings, it may be a very powerful, under-utilized stress buster. Our findings suggest that something as simple as joining an outdoor walking group may not only improve someone’s daily positive emotions but may also contribute a non-pharmacological approach to serious conditions like depression.”

Celebrate success

Whether it is months in existence, miles walked, or some other goal reached, take some time to celebrate. And, after several walks, take some time to figure out what is working and what needs work in your walking program.

What other tips do you have for getting started with a walking program for lower back pain?

How Lower Back Pain Technology Can Help You Fight Pain https://arizonapain.com/lower-back-pain-technology/ Mon, 22 Jan 2018 13:00:40 +0000 http://arizonapain.com/?p=23316 Read more]]>
back pain apps

If you’re suffering from lower back pain, new online resources and devices are available to help you better manage your pain. Here’s how to use lower back pain technology to manage your condition every single day.

What is lower back pain?

Back pain affects 31 million people in the U.S. at any given time, according to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA).

Lower back pain is the leading cause of disability globally, and costs U.S. patients more than $50 billion annually. Because the condition is so costly and common, researchers spend a lot of time and resources investigating causes and potential treatments for back pain.

Most back pain results from an injury or so-called mechanical issue in the musculoskeletal system, and not from arthritis, cancer, or another more serious issue, according to ACA. That gives patients hope and gives researchers an even greater impetus to find out how to help people heal, or at least minimize, the pain from this painful condition.

When the problem results from a mechanical issue instead of a more significant problem, have hope that with enough effort, you can greatly minimize back pain and increase your quality of life.

Why is lower back pain technology so important? 

Technology helps us all out in so many ways every day and its usefulness is only growing.

It can let us talk to our friends around the world or trade stocks in the blink of the eye. It is easy to say that technology has some serious power, even for our health. Using a phone app or wearable device could have a huge impact for chronic pain patients and may provide a completely new avenue for lower back pain management.

Likewise, researching your condition and the newest research online could help you better talk to your doctor and consider new pain management approaches.

Where to find back pain news and research online 

The Internet is a wonderful resource for keeping up to date with the latest research on back pain, making it one of the best lower back pain technology resources for everyone. Staying on top of the latest research is an important way to take charge of your health. You may not have control over how you feel or if back pain flares up, but you do have power over how you respond to the health problem. Sometimes just the knowledge that you do have power can reduce pain.

Studies have found that patients who fully participate in their treatment have better outcomes than patients who adopt a more passive approach. Fortunately, the Internet makes it easy to have access to credible information that can greatly improve your quality of life.

Finding credible websites 

One thing to keep in mind when searching for information online is making sure it’s authoritative. The Internet is awash in information that’s not very credible, but often presented in a very convincing way. When evaluating an article for credibility, look at the source.

If the information is coming from an accredited educational institution, government office, or respected doctor, that’s a good sign of reliability. If, on the other hand, the information comes from a site that’s not affiliated with qualified medical professional or regarded expert, then you might want to investigate further before drawing any conclusions.

With those caveats in mind, here is our guide to the best places online to find information about the latest back pain research.

1. ScienceDaily

ScienceDaily does the hard work of sorting through thousands of research papers and medical journals to bring you the latest, most cutting-edge studies on back pain.

The site publishes medical research on a variety of topics, but clicking this link will take you to the site’s back pain section. If you’re not fluent in medical jargon, don’t worry because the site publishes press release-style fact sheets that are generally easy to understand.

If you do find an article is hard to understand, Google key search terms from the article, like “back pain” along with the university where the research took place or the journal it appeared in. This could help you find other news stories written about the study that provide greater context or deeper understanding. News outlets don’t cover all studies, only those of most interest to the general public, but you never know what information you’ll find.

On ScienceDaily, you’ll find important, actionable research that you can immediately put into place to alleviate pain. For example, one large study reveals the profound benefits of yoga for healing back pain and another reveals how talk therapy has the potential to reduce pain, especially in people experiencing high levels of stress.

2. Evans Health Lab

This health website is the project of Mike Evans, a doctor who strives to create edutainment—that is educational content that’s also entertaining. His back pain video offers hopeful advice and insight. The message is that although 90% of the population experiences back pain at some point during their lives, the condition is rarely serious and in fact very manageable with a specific approach.

The video is about 11 minutes long, but Evans does a good job of keeping every moment interesting. If you type “back pain” into the website search bar—or click the link—you’ll find a few other pieces of content in Evans’ trademark educational but entertaining and hopeful style.

3. Medical News Today

This site is similar to ScienceDaily, in that it collects all the latest research from around the globe into press release-style content.

Here, you will also find actionable articles, like why desk workers should work standing up. You’ll also find research to help inform the way you respond to medical advice, like this study reporting the differences between how male and female doctors treat low back pain.

Although there is some overlap between Medical News Today and ScienceDaily, it’s a good idea to check both sites because they don’t have the exact same content.

4. WebMD

WebMD offers a storehouse of not only background information on back pain and nearly every other health concern under the sun, but the site also offers feature articles about the latest research.

Many of WebMD’s news articles come from HealthDay News, which is an organization that specializes in researching and writing health news. Thanks to this partnership, readers get the best of both possible worlds—rigorous, research-based health articles by medical professionals combined with the editorial expertise of a team of professional journalists.

On WebMD, you’ll find articles about recent studies like this one revealing that steroids are no more effective at fighting sciatica pain than a placebo. Some research could even change the course of your entire health care plan, like this important piece of research that reveals some patients may find physical therapy as effective as surgery when it comes to reducing back pain.

5. Everyday Health

Everyday Health is another website that combines a storehouse of background information with constantly updated articles about the latest news and research. In the site’s back pain section, you’ll also find specially crafted articles by medical professionals giving important insight into how you go about treating back pain.

This article by Drexel University’s vice chair of pain medicine, for instance, details the various types of doctors involved in treating chronic pain and guides patients through the choice of which one to visit.

Taking time to learn information about the best ways to treat your health concerns helps elevate you to be the CEO of your health. Spending time to get informed ensures your treatment plan is the most effective it can be.

Lower back pain technology, apps, and devices

Think beyond the internet. Smart devices give accessibility to a very large patient population and are being used in a lot of new and exciting ways today for back pain management.

This could be a great first step to pain management that allows patients some self-management before moving on to pain medications and other traditional treatment options. According to a market research report, the wearable devices market is expected to reach over 30 billion dollars by 2020, which means it is here to stay.

It is always smart to consult with your physician before trying new workouts and devices. Talk to them about how some of these gadget-powered methods could help relieve your lower back pain (and let you have a little fun while doing it).

lower back pain technology

1. Back Pain Exercises

The title of this smart phone app really says it all. This app is a great introduction to using your phone for lower back pain management. This app consists of ten very effective backstretches in an easy-to-follow routine. It contains informative text about each position and details how to execute them while maintaining proper form. It is followed by some easy-to-understand pictures and some suggested reps and sets you should do for maximum effect.

2. Quell

This product is starting to build up a lot of hype due to its FDA-approved innovative approach to pain relief. This wearable device alleviates pain using an intensive nerve stimulation technique that requires no pain medication to be effective. It is also self-adjusting. Quell is capable of identifying when a user is sleeping and will ramp down the stimulation accordingly.

Not only will it provide lower back pain relief, but the system boasts that the nerve stimulation treatment taps into the body’s natural pain control system to block pain signals. This can provide widespread relief throughout the body. According to their site, 81% of users report improvement in their chronic pain condition and 67% say they use less pain medication.

3. Yoga for Back Pain

This app brings traditional hatha yoga focused on spine health and pain management onto your smart device. It uses high-resolution 3D models to show proper form and movements when moving through a guided yoga routine. It also has various difficulty settings so as you progress you can have longer, more effective sessions.

You also choose the music you want to listen to. The app provides you with cues to remind you to observe correct breathing techniques throughout. You can even activate a voice instruction mode that will make you feel like you are in a studio.

4. Valedo

Have you ever wanted to fight back pain by playing games in the convenience of your own home? Now you have that option with Hocoma’s new smart device. Valedo is a two-part wearable device, one for your lower back and one for your chest. You need a smart phone or tablet to display the actual game, but the Valedo devices take the place of a game controller.

After calibrating the devices, you use your body motions while playing the game to control your character and collect gems that show up to get points. The best part is the game gives you instant feedback on your posture and technique to make sure you are performing the therapeutic exercises correctly, even if you don’t realize it.

There are more than 50 games and 17 unique movements, so it can train all of the muscles in your back to provide pain relief and a stronger back. It also tracks all of your data from precision movements to overall progress, which you can then easily share with your doctor.

5. PostureScreen

This app is geared towards professional like massage therapists, athletic trainers, and chiropractors. This application can analyze the posture of an individual just by using the camera on your smart device and identifying any issues in an object manner.

It can also crunch the numbers on tons of other metrics like body mass index, basal metabolic rate, lean body mass, and more. On top of all that, the application can provide functional exercises to help fix the flaws in your posture and it has its own built-in customer relationship management system.

6. Lumo Lift

Lumo Lift is another posture-based piece of lower back pain technology, but this is the much more intricate wearable version. The Lumo Lift is a small device that you wear near your collarbone that can track steps taken, posture, sitting time, and sleep quality. But it does more than just monitor these metrics.

The Lumo Lift also helps correct your posture by giving you a gentle vibration when you slouch. This device also provides easy-to-digest data, as the sensor connects to smart phone app. This app lets you track daily activities and monitor things like running, standing, and sleeping as well as lets you set custom goals and track the calories you have burned.

What experiences have you had with lower back pain technology, websites, devices, and apps? Have you used any tech that you think is the best? For a coordinated team approach to managing your pain, contact Arizona Pain today for a consultation. 

Science of Back Pain nonadult
10 Back Pain Facts To Help Others Understand Your Pain https://arizonapain.com/back-pain-facts/ https://arizonapain.com/back-pain-facts/#comments Mon, 06 Feb 2017 13:00:42 +0000 http://arizonapain.com/?p=22757 Read more]]>
back pain facts

There are some conditions in which myths prevail as truth; back pain is one such condition. Living with pain is hard enough, though, and all the back pain facts in the world won’t change that. But by sharing this list with your loved ones, you might be able to help them learn more about your condition and how they can help.

1. Lower back pain is the most common source of pain, seriously

The most commonly cited source of pain for those missing days of work is lower back pain. Back pain is both common and severe, affecting as much as 80% of the U.S. adult population at some point during their lives. Meanwhile, lower back pain ranks as the top cause of disability worldwide, according to the American Chiropractic Association. People spend at least $50 billion annually on medications and treatments in hopes of feeling better. This is the reason why sharing these back pain facts is so important.

2: You’re not just living with back pain, except on those days that you are

Maybe it’s an old injury that keeps flaring up, or maybe it is a new strain or exercise regimen that has you feeling like back pain is just a part of waking up every morning. But too many probably already think of your back pain like it’s always going to be part of you. What others don’t know is that you’re working to make your back pain better, using many of the back pain facts and techniques we’ll be talking about below. You’re trying, and that’s hard enough on its own.

And then again, some days, just surviving with the pain is actually enough. Seriously. Back pain makes you slow down and take life one day at a time.

3. You know how many treatments exist to help 

While it’s true that some types of back pain are harder to alleviate than others, pain specialists and researchers have many different tools at their disposal to help reduce or even eliminate back pain. You’ve probably talked about loads of them. A lot. (If you haven’t, we have some suggestions for treatments below.)

Your well-meaning relatives probably don’t realize just how many back pain facts you know. And it’s nice of them to make suggestions, but ultimately it is up to you and your doctor to work together to find which one works best for the back pain you have.

4. Just as many women suffer from back pain as men

More men than women in the U.S. tend to have blue-collar jobs that require heavy lifting and physical activity. So it stands to reason that men experience back pain at greater rates than women, right?

Wrong. Men and women have roughly the same rates of back pain at all ages, across race and income. Back pain is one physical ailment that is truly equal opportunity. It doesn’t matter if you are male or female, black or white, rich or poor, approximately 80-90% of people will experience back pain in their lifetime.

Rates of back pain within an age group tend to rise as that group gets older simply due to back pain conditions related to aging, such as osteoarthritis (considered a “wear and tear” condition). Back pain does not discriminate whether you are lifting babies at home or boxes in a warehouse, and it certainly doesn’t care if you are male or female.

Differences in the quality and quantity of care for back pain based on gender, race, and income certainly exist, but as far as incidence goes, back pain incidence affects everyone equally.

lower back pain facts

5. Daily activities can put a strain on your back just as bad as an accident

It seems like people who participate in extreme sports (or even regular sports like professional baseball and golf) would have more back pain, or that most back pain is caused by serious injury due to car crashes or other accidents. However, the vast majority of back pain is caused by misuse, overuse, or inadequate use.

Of course professional athletes experience back pain, but there is a far greater incidence of back pain in “weekend warriors,” those who play an impromptu game of softball at the backyard barbecue or go on a golf outing once every month or so. Professional athletes are trained and conditioned and use their bodies on a regular basis. Some soreness or strain over time may be normal, but in general, their bodies are used to physical activity. Pain specialists see more back pain cases due to misuse (working the back incorrectly, like lifting boxes with the back instead of the legs) or overuse (especially when combined with inadequate use).

The best way to prevent these types of injuries is to stay strong and active on a regular basis. If you go from spending most of your day sitting at a desk and most of your night sitting on a couch to a full weekend of touch football, chances are good that your back will sustain some type of injury. Getting at least 150 minutes of exercise a week (and including some core strengthening) will help you maintain overall good health while protecting the health of your back.

6. Exercise can actually help alleviate back pain

This is one of the most useful and beneficial back pain facts. Remember, back pain often results from poor posture or weak muscles, and so engaging in exercises that remedy these problems could help reduce discomfort. Top exercises include yoga, walking, Pilates, and swimming.

Some yoga poses strategically target the muscles supporting the lumbar spine, and others build strength in the core muscles, which promote stability in the entire body. A strong back and core supports good posture, so strength building helps to reduce back pain in more ways than one. Yoga is special because it includes a mindfulness component that reduces stress, which could provide further back pain relief.

Pilates is another wonderful way to minimize discomfort. There are a few types of Pilates, one that solely takes place on the floor and another that uses a special machine. Many Pilates movements resemble yoga postures, and people taking Pilates classes will enjoy similar physical benefits of stronger back and core muscles.

Swimming is also highly recommended for back pain. It strengthens muscles despite its low-impact nature. People with joint pain will likely find that swimming is both easy on the body and a rigorous workout.

back pain

7. But, some exercises can seriously worsen back pain

That being said, when exercising to improve strength and reduce pain, you know to play it safe and avoid activities that could make things worse.

The top back pain-triggering activity is anything involving a forward fold. That includes yoga or Pilates movements. If you’re in an exercise class and the teacher asks you to go into a forward fold, be sure to bend your knees and keep your back flat. Bending the lower back compresses spinal discs and could exacerbate pain or cause injury. By bending the knees and only bending over as far as you’re able to keep the back flat, you’ll reduce the chances for worsening pain.

Hamstring stretches also frequently involve forward folds. If you want to stretch the hamstrings, opt for variations that keep the back flat on the floor. Lift the legs into the air and stretch the legs toward the ceiling instead of having the back lower toward the floor while standing.

Sit-ups are also generally contraindicated for those with back pain because the exercise may strain lower back muscles. Instead of sit-ups, strengthen the abdominals and core with stability exercises like a plank, which involves holding the top of a push-up.

So, when your well-meaning friend insists you try a sit-up challenge, let them know that you’ve already found exercises that work way better for you and your back.

8. Certain foods influence your back pain severity

The foods you eat every day can provide nourishment and promote less pain. However, if you’ve been keeping a food and pain journal, you also already know that certain unhealthy food choices make you feel worse.

The top foods for less back pain include broccoli, cherries, onion, and garlic. Broccoli contains powerful Vitamin K, which helps to strengthen bones and decrease the risk of back injury. Cherries contain potent anti-inflammatory compounds that may actually strike at the root of pain. Garlic is another anti-inflammatory food. Researchers believe its inflammation-reducing compounds may be the same ones contained by over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen. Onions are also a potent anti-inflammatory food. As a bonus, they add a delicious taste to many foods. Ask your family to include more of those in their meals if they’re cooking for you.

9. Losing weight may help reduce back pain, to an extent

Excess weight is linked to an increased risk for herniated discs, absolutely. And any more stress or strain on your back could increase your pain. However, it’s not a catchall.

A sedentary lifestyle is the larger culprit here. It ups the risk for poor posture and weak muscles, which contribute to back pain. Participating in exercises that help to build strength and reduce weight supports a healthy back. Eating a healthy diet rich in fruit, vegetables, and healthy grains also reduces inflammation. This helps to minimize pain. You may not want to focus on losing weight exclusively to manage your back pain, and that’s okay.

10. Back pain and depression are linked

These two conditions may not be the first connected health problems that come to mind. But research shows that back pain may lead to depression and vice versa, that depression increases the risk for back pain. It’s one of the most important back pain facts to keep in mind when talking to your loved ones.

The daily stress of living with back pain, as well as the difficulty of performing daily life tasks may make someone depressed. Meanwhile, depression often materializes in the physical body as pain. In fact, aches and pains that do not respond to treatment are considered one of the symptoms of depression, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.

back pain depression

If you’re living with back pain, you already have our respect

Living with back pain can seriously impact your daily life. It can make it harder to walk your dog, hold your child, or put the groceries away. And that’s on the small scale. Living with back pain means making daily choices about how far you’re willing to drive in the car, what jobs you’re able to take, and how much time you can give to your family. It’s hard, and you have our respect just for the journey you’ve already taken with pain.

Need help treating your back pain?

If you still need help and suggestions for treating your back pain, complementary and alternative treatment options could help. These are best used alongside diet and exercise changes. Options include:

  • Complementary medicine: Acupuncture, biofeedback, and mindfulness meditation are three types of complementary medical approaches to back pain. They have been shown to have some success in pain relief. These complementary medical approaches are safe and have very limited side effects.
  • Injections: In addition to offering pain relief, injections can be a great diagnostic tool for pain specialists. Facet injections and epidural steroid injections both use numbing agents like lidocaine to numb the affected nerve. Pain relief lasts for varying amounts of time. These procedures can be repeated up to three times a year. Importantly, these injections offer pain relief that allows patients to begin a course of exercise or physical therapy.
  • Minimally-invasive surgical procedures: These can include procedures like continuous catheter nerve blocks or spinal cord stimulator implants. In general, these procedures are done under local anesthetic and have minimal side effects (if any). Better yet, they can be completed in less than 15 minutes.
  • Chiropractic care: Chiropractic care has been proven to reduce healing times and relieve back pain with just one treatment. It also reduces medical costs and the chances of surgery when it is used as a first-line treatment for back pain.
  • Surgical intervention: In the case of herniated discs, pain specialists may recommend a discectomy to remove herniated tissue. Spinal fusion may also help to relieve back pain. Many types of back pain do not require more extreme types of surgical intervention. In some cases, though, they can offer tremendous pain relief.
  • Talk to a doctor: A doctor can help you diagnose the exact source of your pain. This can help you find better treatment options going forward.

Do you suffer from back pain? What back pain facts do you want your friends and family to know? 

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Does Medication For Lower Back Pain Actually Work? https://arizonapain.com/medication-for-lower-back-pain/ Mon, 30 Jan 2017 13:00:25 +0000 http://arizonapain.com/?p=22748 Read more]]>
medication for lower back pain

In the fight against lower back pain, many people and their doctors reach for the same weapons: common over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications. New research on commonly recommended and prescribed lower back pain medications has found that many may actually be virtually ineffective for treating lower back pain and that medication for lower back pain may actually do more harm than good.

Over-the-counter medication for lower back pain

NSAIDs are a standard go-to medication for lower back pain, but their effectiveness is being called into question. The common over-the-counter pain medications Tylenol, Advil, and Aleve are all types of NSAIDs. More powerful NSAIDs are also available by prescription from your physician. For many people with chronic back pain, it’s not unusual to keep a bottle of over-the-counter NSAIDs on hand to treat pain as needed.

A great many medications fall into the classification of NSAIDs, but all of them function in a similar way. NSAIDs block an enzyme called cyclooxygenase (COX), which in turn inhibits the production of certain inflammatory responses like fever, swelling, and pain. Since many instances of pain are caused by inflammation or swelling, inhibiting inflammatory responses should reduce pain.

However, COX enzymes also aid in protecting the stomach lining, which is why using NSAIDs can sometimes lead to ulcers or bleeding in the stomach. Potential side effects of NSAIDs include digestive symptoms like heartburn, diarrhea, vomiting, or stomach pain.

Research on Tylenol

Tylenol in particular has been widely advertised all over the world as a catch-all OTC medication for aches and pains of every variety. From acute back pain to achy knees and chronic pain, advertisements would have you believe that Tylenol is effective and safe for pain. A study from the BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal) found that Tylenol’s claims of efficacy in the treatment of both back and knee pain were false.

A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies focusing on Tylenol’s ability to relieve spinal pain and pain due to osteoarthritis found that for spinal pain, Tylenol showed no effect on pain in either short- or intermediate-term follow-ups. For osteoarthritis, the short-term efficacy of Tylenol for spinal pain was more pronounced than for intermediate use, but pain reduction was still rated as moderate. Any pain relief reported was clinically insignificant and similar to the placebo group. The studies included in the meta-analysis focused on just over 5,300 patients with lower back pain and knee pain and excluded any patients with previous surgeries for either condition.

Side effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

While some patients suffering from chronic and acute back pain may find that any minor reduction in pain is worth the risk, the side effects may not be worth it. Since 2011, the Food & Drug Administration has required medications that use acetaminophen to carry a “black box” warning that highlights its risk for liver failure.

Many who take Tylenol for pain do not realize that other medications (e.g. cold medicines) also contain acetaminophen. Exceeding the maximum daily dose by even a small amount can cause serious side effects and may even cause death. For anything other than acute, short-term pain, taking Tylenol is not recommended as a medication for lower back pain.

lower back pain medication

Opioid medications

Opioids are a narcotic pain reliever. Previously used primarily for short-term relief of acute pain, or for pain relief in patients with a chronic condition like cancer, opioids have become part of mainstream pain management over the last two decades. The number of prescriptions written for oral opioid medications, such as hydrocodone, oxycodone, or hydromorphone, has more than tripled over the last 20 years. Despite the risks associated with opioid medications, they are becoming increasingly widespread as a prescribed medication for lower back pain, even though new research suggests opioids aren’t very effective for this type of pain.

Opioids and spinal surgery risks

While the risks of opioids have been well-documented, a study by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that the use of prescription opioids is linked to fewer positive outcomes after spinal surgery. The study of just over 500 patients used patient reporting to measure health preoperatively and at three, six, and 12 months post-operatively. Differences in recovery, mental health, and decreased pain was significantly influenced by opioid use in the following ways:

  • Patients who increased opioid use before spinal surgery did significantly worse post-operatively at three and 12 months
  • For every ten milligrams of increase in opioid use, the study found a significant decrease in mental and physical health scores
  • Patients who also suffered from comorbid conditions such as depression and anxiety were more likely to take opioids

Lead study author Clinton J. Devin, MD, assistant professor of orthopedic surgery and neurosurgery at the Vanderbilt Spine Center had this to say about the treatment implications of study’s findings:

“Our work highlights the importance of careful preoperative counseling with patients on high doses of preoperative opioids, pointing out the potential impact on long term outcome and working toward narcotic reduction prior to undergoing surgery.”

Even for those patients who choose not to undergo surgery, opioids have very little effect on chronic low back pain. While there seems to be some short-term analgesic benefit, the risk of dependence and other side effects likely outweighs the minimal benefit in intermediate- and long-term use for this medication for lower back pain.

Opioids for chronic pain

Researchers have also been reevaluating the trials and evidence that support the effectiveness of opioid pain medications, and the evidence doesn’t hold up. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) convened a seven-member panel to examine the evidence for opioid medications. An article by the University of Connecticut summed up the results, noting:

“A National Institutes of Health white paper that was released today finds little to no evidence for the effectiveness of opioid drugs in the treatment of long-term chronic pain, despite the explosive recent growth in the use of the drugs.”

Additionally, a University of Colorado Boulder study showed that opioid use (specifically morphine) actually prolonged neuropathic pain in rats, suggesting that it could have the same effect on humans.

Opioids for lower back pain

Finally, the BMJ published a clinical review of the efficacy of opioids as a medication for lower back pain. The conclusions in this article include:

  • Opioids don’t speed injured workers’ return to work
  • Opioids don’t improve functional outcomes of acute back pain in primary care
  • There is little evidence of opioid efficacy for chronic back pain

It was also pointed out that controlled trials of opioids for back pain tend to experience a high dropout rate among participants. The trials also have a short duration (generally four months or less) and have highly selected patients. This all suggests that the controlled trials that do support opioid efficacy for back pain are perhaps not reliable, or at least are not thorough enough.

Opioids also have a high risk of abuse and dependence. Using opioids before spinal surgery has been linked to a higher risk of negative surgical outcome. Slow-acting opioids, which have been assumed to be safer than fast-acting opioids, have been shown to make men five times as likely to develop low testosterone. More and more evidence continues to point to the fact that opioids are not a suitable medication for lower back pain, unless used for highly-controlled, acute cases.

medication for back pain

Oral steroids

Steroids are commonly used to treat inflammation associated with back pain, but they may not be as effective as previously believed. Steroids, also called corticosteroids, are a synthetic (man-made) version of a hormone naturally found in the body. Steroids are used to treat many different conditions, largely because they are cost-effective and can be applied in many different forms (oral, injected, inhaled, topically, etc.). Long-term or illicit use of steroids is associated with several potentially-serious side effects, but when used as directed, steroids are generally considered safe.

In a randomized controlled trial of 267 people with herniated disc, researchers found that there was no significant difference in pain relief between the group receiving oral steroids (prednisone) and the group receiving a placebo. Both groups saw improvement, but even after a year, there was no difference between the two (except in rate of disability, which was slightly lower in the prednisone group).

Likewise, a study originally published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) looked at the efficacy of the oral steroid prednisone in treating sciatica-related back pain. In this study, half the participants were given a 15-day course of prednisone to treat sciatica resulting from a herniated disc, while the other half were given placebos to treat the same condition. Although both groups’ symptoms improved, there were no statistically significant differences in pain or disability by the end of six weeks.

Again, this is a case of the side effects outweighing the negligible benefits. In addition to headache, mood swings, and irregular heartbeat, long-term use of prednisone is a risk factor for osteoporosis, which may increase the risk of spinal injury leading to pain. Steroid injections, on the other hand, provide a targeted approach to using these medications which may work more powerfully for lower back pain patients.

What are non-medication options for lower back pain? 

With these common back pain medications increasingly debunked in the research, there are other treatment options to consider.

medications for lower back paon

First, don’t stop your medication for lower back pain

Even with this research, this does not mean that you should stop your medication for lower back pain, especially if they’ve been prescribed by a physician.

If you’re taking a medication that relieves your symptoms of back pain, that’s great. Keep taking it. If your current medication doesn’t seem to be doing the job, keep taking it until you’re able to talk to your pain doctor and get an alternative medication or treatment (or are given the go-ahead to stop taking it). Stopping a medication prescribed by your doctor could be unsafe if you haven’t discussed it with them before.

And keep in mind that pursuing alternative, complementary, or interventional pain management techniques – either in conjunction with or (with your physician’s permission) instead of medication – might help you control your pain much more effectively than medication for lower back pain alone.


Staying physically active is an important treatment option for lower back pain. While it may seem counterintuitive to move when you are in pain, keeping your muscles strong and engaged can be the key to a healthy back. Focus on stretches and core work, but don’t forget low-impact cardiovascular exercise such as biking, swimming, and hiking.

Dietary changes

Although it may not work as quickly as medication for lower back pain, eating a healthy diet full of anti-inflammatory foods can make a tremendous difference in treating chronic back pain. Adding these foods while eliminating common inflammation-causing foods like sugar, wheat, and dairy can help you manage pain.

Weight management

The more weight we carry on our bodies, the more stress there is on our joints. Maintaining a healthy weight with diet and exercise can be an important part of treatment for back pain, especially in cases where back pain is due to compression injuries such as herniated discs or inflammation caused by spinal stenosis.

Complementary medicine

Acupuncture is gaining traction as an effective treatment for low back pain. Chiropractic care can also be an excellent first-line treatment that minimizes the chance of spinal surgery in the future. Mindfulness meditation and biofeedback have both been shown to diminish the perception of pain. All of these treatments are nearly side-effect free, and many are now covered by insurance.

Interventional pain management

Finally, if your pain doesn’t respond to medication for lower back pain or these complementary approaches, you could try more targeted therapies for resolving your back pain. This will involve identifying the underlying causes of your back pain and finding a therapy that can work to resolve or treat the symptoms of your pain. Once a correct diagnosis is made, your doctor may recommend any of the following therapies:

As more research uncovers medications that are not as effective as advertised, more people are turning to lifestyle changes and complementary medicine to manage chronic pain. To talk to a pain doctor about which therapies might work best for you, click here

9 Epidural Steroid Injection Videos To Watch Now https://arizonapain.com/epidural-steroid-injection-videos/ Mon, 09 Jan 2017 13:00:13 +0000 http://arizonapain.com/?p=22690

Do you suffer from chronic back pain? If so, it might be time to consider an epidural steroid injection. Epidural steroid injections allow your doctor to apply powerful, anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing medication directly into your areas of discomfort. Steroid injections are not a first line of treatment for pain, but they are used to help people combat pain who have tried other options to no avail. And even though they’re not the first-used option for pain, the injections are commonly used and can provide immense pain relief. These nine epidural steroid injection videos provide more information about this procedure.

Epidural steroid injection videos: The basics 

Steroid injections contain corticosteroids, which are designed to resemble cortisol, a naturally occurring hormone in the body. Steroids contained in the injection are not the same that bodybuilders use to gain muscle mass. Instead, they’re designed specifically to help people reduce chronic pain symptoms. The powerful medications go right to work when injected. They can combat the inflammation that’s a significant source of pain for many people.

In addition to inflammation-fighting compounds, the steroid injections contain a local anesthetic that works to interfere with signals irritated nerves send out, stopping them from telling the body that it’s in pain. This potent, one-two punch strikes at the very source of pain and can bring immediate relief. The procedures take around 15 minutes.

Watch a procedure take place live in the first of our epidural steroid injection videos. In a minute, you’ll learn the basics behind this procedure and watch one being performed.

For more in-depth coverage, as well as an interview with a back pain patient, check out our second epidural steroid injection video, which clocks in closer to five minutes. This classic video walks you through a procedure for a patient who was suffering from herniated disc pain.

Because the injected steroid stays locally, injections create far fewer side effects than steroids taken orally, which the entire body absorbs. With epidural steroid injections, the powerful, pain-relieving medication stays only where it’s needed, making the treatment efficient and effective.

Epidural steroid injection benefits

Steroid injections may help patients experiencing pain from a range of causes, including neck pain, sciatica, back pain, and osteoarthritis. Pain from spinal conditions such as degenerative discs, fractured vertebrae, or infections may also diminish after treatment with a steroid injection. Patients experiencing what’s known as radicular pain may also benefit from an epidural steroid injection. This type of pain is caused by irritated spinal nerves located in the lower back.

The following epidural steroid injection videos cover the two types of chronic pain conditions that are most often treated with injections: back pain and sciatica.

As this video explains, the back is made of four regions: the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral. Steroid injections can be given into any of these areas, but the most common types are cervical epidural steroid injections and lumbar epidural steroid injections.

A complex structure of muscles, tendons, bones, ligaments, and intervertebral discs make up your back. Muscle and ligaments strain is the most common causes of pain, usually caused by heavy and improper lifting, awkward movements, poor posture and muscle spasms. Other risk factors include:

  • Obesity
  • Aging
  • Anxiety
  • Smoking
  • A sedentary lifestyle
  • Pregnancy
  • Strenuous activity
  • Repetitive movements

Issues that cause back pain include disc herniation, bulging disc, sciatica, osteoarthritis, scoliosis and osteoporosis. Sciatica, in particular, can be well treated with epidural steroid injections. The next of our epidural steroid injection videos gives a brief overview of this condition.

Finally, epidural steroid injections are also often used to treat chronic neck pain. The following video talks about the basics behind this pain condition.

Types of epidural steroid injections 

A pain specialist will help you determine which type of injection is best suited for you, depending on the type of pain you’re experiencing and any underlying conditions. Pain specialists begin with a thorough evaluation to discuss the types of pain you’re having and the types of treatments you’ve already tried.

As noted, you may hear epidural steroid injections talked about in location-specific ways. A lumbar epidural steroid injection is one that is done in the lumbar portion of the spine. A cervical epidural steroid injection, on the other hand, takes place in the cervical area.

There are also several different techniques for applying this procedure:

  • Caudal epidural steroid injection
  • Transforaminal epidural steroid injection
  • Interlaminar epidural steroid injection

Your doctor will help you determine which would work best for you based on your condition, symptoms, and overall physical health. These treatments are generally safe, but every medical procedure has risks. Possible complications include allergic reaction, weight gain, and diminished immune response.

Cervical epidural steroid injection video 

The cervical spine refers to the vertebrae supporting the neck. Spinal issues here can cause neck or back pain, and a cervical steroid injection is used to alleviate related discomfort, although people suffering from headaches may also find relief. This injection may also help people find relief from cervical radiculitis, a condition of nerve compression in the neck that causes pain to spread down the arms.

Similar to a caudal steroid injection, the cervical epidural steroid injection is placed into the epidural space, but this time in the cervical spine. The injection contains a steroid and local anesthetic to reduce inflammation and interfere with pain-causing nerve signals.

Studies show patients respond well to the simple, quick procedure. A study in Skeletal Radiology found 72% of patients experienced effective pain relief. While some patients experience long-lasting relief with just one injection, others need three to six per year to experience optimal results.

The next of our epidural steroid injection videos covers a cervical epidural steroid injection, which is typically used to treat chronic neck pain or head pain. It can also help with:

  • Cervical radiculitis
  • Bulging discs
  • Cervical spinal stenosis

Caudal epidural steroid injection

Caudal injections are inserted into the epidural space near the tailbone. This method allows for larger quantities of medication to be delivered, and is suitable for patients who require larger dosages. This type of steroid injection may help patients experiencing low back pain from sciatica, herniated or bulging discs, or degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis, which is pain resulting from a narrowing spinal canal that pinches surrounding nerves.

Caudal steroid injections are inserted into the epidural space near the tailbone, by the sacrum, directly targeting lower back pain. Epidural space refers to the area directly outside the vertebrae that contains not only fat and blood vessels, but also the root of pain-causing nerves.

Lower back pain is one of the most common causes of chronic pain, and also one of the most difficult to treat. Caudal steroid injections are an effective way to help people manage pain.

Interlaminar epidural steroid injection

This type of injection is placed into the midline of the back, in between the spinal processes, which are the bony portions of vertebrae that stick out from the central spinal column. Because the injection is placed into the midline, the medicine is able to spread to nerves on both sides of the spine.

Transforaminal epidural steroid injection

With this type of steroid injection, the needle is inserted into the side of the vertebrae. Because it directly targets the affected nerve, it’s generally more specific and targeted. It also helps to avoid any foreign objects, such as pins or screws that may be in the spine from previous surgeries. The next of our epidural steroid injection videos shows how this procedure takes place in a patient suffering from lumbar back pain.

Towards comprehensive pain management

Many patients experience rapid pain relief after receiving an epidural steroid injection. Patients who don’t receive the full desired benefit may be good candidates for a second injection. Some patients opt for a treatment series of three epidural steroid injections. These injections are widely considered to be very safe and are commonly given. However, risks include bleeding, infection, headaches, or nerve damage. Likewise, the duration of relief varies by patient. Some enjoy pain reduction for years while others experience only short-term relief.

While these procedures can and do help patients reduce pain, they’re just one tool in the fight against pain. Dr. Paul Lynch explains in this epidural steroid injection video how these injections can be used in the safest and most efficacious way for patients. This includes trying other treatment options first, like chiropractic care or physical therapy, before attempting this more invasive procedure.

Pain doctors use multiple therapies to help patients. This is what is considered comprehensive pain management. A part of that can be interventional pain management–the use of injections or other outpatient procedures–for more chronic or severe types of pain. It helps bridge the gap between therapies like exercise or physical therapy with more extreme treatments, like surgery. Two pain doctors discuss what interventional pain management is and how it can help you reduce pain.

Epidural steroid injections can be a great option if you suffer from pain, but don’t want to undergo surgery. Ready to learn even more about this procedure? Check out PainDoctor.com for news and research about epidural steroid injections.

If you’re ready to talk to a pain doctor to learn how epidural steroid injections can help you, click here to get in touch with one of our Arizona Pain doctors.

WATCH an Epidural Steroid Injection Demonstration - LIVE! nonadult
6 Of The Best Exercises For Lower Back Pain You Probably Haven’t Tried https://arizonapain.com/best-exercises-for-lower-back-pain/ Mon, 28 Nov 2016 13:00:50 +0000 http://arizonapain.com/?p=22630 Read more]]>
best exercises for lower back pain

Lower back pain is one of the nation’s most common health concerns. It accounts for 40% of all missed time from work. The good news is that 90% of patients will improve on their own without a doctor’s help. The best exercises for lower back pain can help you strengthen your muscles, while reducing the tension causing pain in the first place. In this list, we’ve pulled together six lower back pain exercises that aren’t commonly talked about when it comes to back pain prevention. All of these exercises are low-impact so they can be used by a variety of pain patients. If you haven’t tried these already, we encourage you to grab a friend and try them now!

Why is finding the best exercises for lower back pain so important? 

“For most people, back pain is not a disease,” says Dr. Mike Evans, a health care educator. That means it is possible to live without back pain.

The bad news is that many cases of back pain recur. About 30% of people with back pain will experience a recurrence within six months, and 40% within one year, according to Evans. The high rate of people who experience recurring or chronic back pain underscores the importance of treating the condition’s root cause.

Just because it’s possible to live without lower back pain doesn’t mean it’s effortless. Taking the right steps makes all the difference. One of those steps is finding the best exercises for lower back pain that work well for you.

The high rate of recurrence is because back pain is commonly caused by lifestyle factors that, when left unchanged, continue to create conditions ripe for pain. Fortunately, the lifestyle factors that lead to back pain are relatively easy to change. It just takes a dose of willpower and perseverance coupled with a positive mindset.

exercises for lower back pain

Why low impact exercises? 

Low impact exercises are some of the best exercises for lower back pain. Low impact aerobic exercise involves activities that put less pressure on the joints but still gets the heart moving. Instead of jarring the spinal structure and other joints with pounding activities like running, low impact activities get the blood moving and nutrients flowing through important structures of the back, supporting healing without pressure on sensitive bones and joints. Additional benefits include weight loss which takes the pressure off joints, less stiffness with regular movement, and increased production of endorphins, the “feel good” hormones the body produces after 30-40 minutes of exercise.

The most commonly recommended low impact exercises for lower back pain include walking and swimming. These are, seriously, two of the best exercises for lower back pain that you can do. However, you may be burnt out on walking and not have access to a pool. Or, you like trying something new when you’re getting your blood pumping. That’s why we recommend some new options for lower back pain exercises later in this post.

What are common lower back pain causes? 

Before we look at six of the best exercises for lower back pain, let’s take a look at what actually causes lower back pain.

Lower back pain is often caused by skeletal misalignment. The most common cause of back pain is mechanical—a misalignment or malfunctioning somewhere within the intricate network of bones, joints, and ligaments that make up the spine. The exact cause is often difficult to pinpoint. In fact, only about 15% of patients with back pain end up learning the exact reason underlying the pain, according to a report in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.

Looking a little bit more deeply, this misalignment typically doesn’t happen on its own. One of the top risk factors is a sedentary lifestyle, one spent mostly seated and with little physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle promotes poor posture and increases the likelihood of weight gain, both risk factors for lower back pain. Spending a great deal of time sitting also weakens back muscles, many of them important for supporting the spine and creating proper postural alignment. Poor posture mixed with weak muscles is an effective recipe for back pain.

You can learn more about the science of back pain in the following video.

The research on lower back pain exercises

Study after study has shown that physical activity is one of the best things a person can do to reduce back pain. The best exercises for lower back pain, as we’ll see, combine movement and activity with a sense of fun that keeps people coming back.

For example, a study published in the journal Clinical Rehabilitation found that patients with chronic lower back pain who walked on a treadmill twice each week experienced similar pain reduction to patients who sought more intensive medical treatment, reports the Huffington Post. Other good long-term options for reducing the risk of back pain recurrence include strength-building activities. Prevention is often the best medicine and will allow patients greater life enjoyment over the long term.

For many patients, realizing that it’s healthy to move around with back pain requires shifting their mindset.

Over the past few decades, doctors have recommended movement to alleviate lower back pain, but this wasn’t always the case. Until the 1990s, doctors recommended bed rest. Because of this, many back pain patients are scared to exercise, worried that they’ll aggravate the pain when in reality, physical activity is perhaps the No. 1 way to feel better.

Now we know how important exercise really is for reducing and preventing lower back pain. Let’s take a look at six of the best exercises for lower back pain that you probably haven’t tried yet.

1. Slow down with tai chi 

Tai chi is an ancient Chinese martial art that combines slow, fluid movement, breathing, and meditation. Descended from the combative martial art Tai Chi Quan, tai chi focuses on alignment, balance, stamina, and control rather than combat. Because of this, tai chi has many health benefits, one of which is the alleviation of lower back pain. This focus on steady, sustained movements makes it one of the best exercises for lower back pain. And, since it’s so low-impact, patients who also have knee or hip pain can also practice it easily.

The exercises in tai chi flow from one to another fluidly. The speed can vary based on experience and ability, so the focus can be on proper form, not building cardiovascular strength or completing a certain number of repetitions.  For people with lower back pain, this slow movement helps them increase their range of motion without moving too quickly or abruptly. It also helps to strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine to offer more support.

The benefits of tai chi

Beginners to tai chi will spend quite a bit of time learning the sequence of movements, and doing so helps to improve strength by increments. The physical demands of tai chi are not intense or immediate. Instead, movements are learned individually and then gradually put together. Because tai chi is so low impact, people of all ages can practice and garner significant health and pain-relieving benefits.

Another benefit to tai chi for back pain is that it incorporates the whole body, often in different directions. The arms may go up while the legs sink down, or they may flow to the left while the torso moves to the right. These twisting motions improve coordination and balance, as do the inclusion of small movements and big movements simultaneously.

A final benefit is not felt immediately but builds up as you practice. Aches and pains in the joints and vertebrae in the back may be the result of a lack of synovial fluid. Mary L. Jurisson, MD, a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, who has taught tai chi, notes:

“When you repeatedly compress the joints, the synovial fluid flows in the cartilage better. That nourishes it, which makes the ends of joints slippery so they can move smoothly.”

2. Get in your “oms” with yoga

Yoga exercises mind and body and is easily adaptable for all body types, from NFL players to grandmas! We’ve covered yoga for back pain extensively on this blog and PainDoctor.com (our partner site). To get started immediately, check out our post “Yoga For Lower Back Pain Is Awesome (With 7 Poses To Prove It).”

best yoga poses for lower back pain

3. Hit the mat with Pilates

Any exercise that strengthens the core will help heal and strengthen the lower back. Pilates is the ultimate in core-strengthening, and it’s a low impact exercise that will definitely get the heart pumping! This combination makes it one of the best exercises for lower back pain.

Our post on Pilates for lower back pain covers all you’ll need to know about finding the right equipment and creating an at-home practice.

Remember, before starting any new exercise, talk with your doctor. Then make sure to exercise under the supervision of a professional. If you have never done yoga before, it is best to start with a yoga class. Most studios offer free or low-cost introductory offers. Many gyms will also offer trial memberships or a free consultation with a personal trainer. Take it slow, and listen to your doctor and your body.

In addition to tai chi, yoga, and Pilates, we’ve included three more out of the box options for reducing lower back pain.

4. Get in your strides on the elliptical

The elliptical machine works arms, legs, back, and core simultaneously. Plus, it feels like walking on air. This low-impact combo can help you get in some exercise whether at home or at the gym.

5. Try rowing, seriously 

What could be better than one exercise to work every muscle in the body at once? Rowing, on a machine or out on the river, is one such exercise. Whether you get to take in the local scenery or sweat it out Francis Underwood style in your basement, rowing is a great option for exercising your lower back.

exercise for lower back pain

6. Get in the water with kayaking

Not everyone has access to a kayak or a body of water. Kayaking, though, is an excellent way to build a strong core to support the long muscles of the back. It’s similar to rowing. The added back-and-forth motion can really help you work out the back muscles and strengthen your core.

Creating a lower back pain plan 

Physical activity that incorporates the best exercises for lower back pain, plus a cohesive health care team, can help you find lower back pain relief.

To reduce the risk of recurrent back pain, you should consider developing a back pain resilience plan. The plan will ideally include a variety of self-care activities like:

  • Reducing stress
  • Getting a good night’s sleep
  • Incorporating plenty of movement into your day

A targeted back pain resilience plan will reduce discomfort for about 90% of back pain patients. Although back pain almost never indicates a more serious condition, there are a few red flags that a more serious condition could be present. Those red flags are a sustained fever, a change in bowel or bladder control, or pain resulting from a fall or trauma that could indicate a fracture. If you are experiencing any of these red flags, it’s important that you talk to a back pain doctor right away.

Outside of those few red flags, most patients will experience relief just from exercising more. For many people, adopting a regular exercise program is easier said than done. Creating an empowered mindset, knowing that you do have the power to reduce back pain through healthy lifestyle choices, is essential.

Treating your lower back pain 

Another critical component of a back pain resilience plan is establishing a team of health care providers in a variety of specialties. Lower back pain is a complex problem and requires a treatment plan that hits all angles. This is especially true if your lower back pain doesn’t resolve with exercise. Even with a healthcare team, though, getting involved and active in your treatment is one of the best ways to find lower back pain relief.

lower back exercises for pain

An effective health care team may include a chiropractor, acupuncturist, masseuse, and physical therapist. To be truly effective, though, patients must be willing to participate in their healing. This can happen through movement, stress reduction, and healthy eating. A treatment plan that involves patient participation is known as active treatment. Patients engaged in active treatment are less likely to experience back pain recurrences. Meanwhile, people who prioritize passive treatment, which is treatment received that doesn’t require patient participation, are more likely to experience chronic lower back pain.

The difference in outcomes represents one of the major hurdles of managing a potentially chronic condition: mindset.

People who believe they have the power to create health and an optimally functioning body often enjoy a life with minimal pain or none at all. They make the necessary changes without relying on health care providers for health. Creating that mindset, acknowledging the pain while not allowing it to defeat you, is important to developing the will to exercise and maybe push yourself beyond what you think is possible.

To get started on your journey to less pain, click here to talk to a back pain doctor. They can help you find a variety of treatment options to help you tackle your lower back pain.

Science of Back Pain nonadult
14 Of The Best Stretches For Lower Back Pain https://arizonapain.com/best-stretches-for-lower-back-pain/ Mon, 21 Nov 2016 13:00:51 +0000 http://arizonapain.com/?p=22622

Back pain affects millions of people in the U.S. every year and is the leading cause of disability all over the world. According to the American Chiropractic Association, 80% of the world’s population will experience back problems at some time in their lives. The best solution to combat back pain is to find an exercise and flexibility routine that will help strengthen your muscles to relieve the pain and help prevent future problems. The best stretches for lower back pain can help relieve tension in the back, reduce pain, and increase flexibility.

The basics: The 5 best stretches for lower back pain

The best stretches for lower back pain are those that help reduce muscle tension while also strengthening the core muscles that support the body. We’ve listed five of what we think are the best stretches for lower back pain below. When performing any of these stretches, you should be able to approach them at the level that feels best for you. You can modify any of these if they don’t work.

Some good practices for exercise is to always warm up before you start stretching, especially if you haven’t exercised a lot recently. A great warm-up is a quick walk, walking in place, or some light dancing. Don’t try to push yourself too hard in the beginning or it will only lead to more pain and not wanting to exercise. Remember being in pain is not a normal part of exercising.

Always have good breath control when you do any exercise. You never want to hold your breath, but instead you should exhale during a stretch and inhale when you release the stretch. Always consult your pain doctor before starting a new routine, as they will be able to best provide you with suggestions based on your condition. They will also be able to advise against certain stretches that may exacerbate your condition.

And finally, before trying any of these stretches for lower back pain, it’s a good idea to know the basics behind what back pain is and what causes it. This quick video from PainDoctor.com gives a great introduction to the science behind back pain.

1. Lying knee twist

This is a great exercise to stretch the spine and strengthen the core. Lay down on your back in a fully extended position. Then, take your right leg and lay it across the left leg as far as it can go to allow for a gentle stretch through the back and glutes. Hold this for 20 seconds and then slowly rotate back to center. Now do the other side. Repeat this three times for maximum effect. Place a block under your crossed knee if this sideways motion is pulling too much.

2. Chair hamstring stretch

This is one of the best stretches for lower back pain and the perfect alternative to the toe touch. As you’ll read below, in the poses we advise against for lower back pain, a toe touch can put unnecessary pressure on your lower back.

Instead of standing, start this hamstring exercise by sitting on the edge of a chair with your back straight and your feet firmly planted on the ground.

Extend one leg outward in front of you and reach toward your toes. This will give your hamstrings a workout and it won’t have the side effect of putting a lot of pressure on your back. Hold this for 15 seconds and then switch legs. Try to stretch out both legs at least three times.

3. Cobra pose

This yoga move can help stretch out your lower back and abdominal muscles. Begin by lying down on your stomach and stretching your legs out behind you. Plant your elbows and palms on the ground and make sure your arms make a 90° angle with the floor. Slowly contract your abs, and use your abs strength to push your body off the ground. There should be little pressure on your arms or elbows. Go only so far as your movement is still controlled by your abs. Don’t let your hips leave the ground and once you reach a good stretch hold for ten seconds.

lower back stretches for pain relief

4. Cat/Cow

This is one of the best stretches for lower back pain and it also hits the neck and shoulders. Get down on all fours with your shoulders directly above your wrists and your knees above your ankles. Keep your neck straight to start. On an inhale, lift your head and bottom, while allowing your stomach to drop. Hold at the top of the inhale. Then, as you exhale, tuck your chin and begin to curve your back upwards (like a Halloween cat). Push slowly and steadily with your hands on the ground until you can feel the stretch across your shoulders and lower back. Inhale and repeat the back bend. Exhale and repeat the curl. Do this for ten repetitions, or as long as feels good for you.

5. Child’s pose

This stretch will help elongate the back and can really be a stress buster. Start on all fours and stretch your arms as far out in front of you as possible. Then, bring your glutes back so they hover just above or on your heels. Place your forehead on the ground. Now hold this for twenty seconds and repeat as many times as feels comfortable for you.

stretches for lower back pain

Finding even more of the best stretches for lower back pain

There are many ways to strengthen your back muscles to help relieve pain, besides what we think are our five of the best stretches for lower back pain. One of the most entertaining and useful ways uses video instruction to really help you understand the intricacies of each workout. With an internet connection, an iPad or laptop, and a yoga mat, you can start hitting some of the best stretches for lower back pain (along with some light exercises) right in your living room! Here’s a list of lower back pain videos that can help you combat pain and keep you coming back for more.

1. 3 Stretches to Help Low Back Pain 

Our video is a simple and easy tutorial that runs through three effective stretches to warm up your back. A helpful narrator from Pain Doctor describes each stretch in detail as a volunteer performs the movements in the background. Click “Show More” in the description for a transcribed version of the video and some great links to Paindoctor.com’s social media accounts.

2. Stretches for Back Pain Relief, How to Stretch Routine, Beginners Home Yoga 

Not the most concise title, but with three million views, it is hard to argue with. Listen to tranquil music and follow yoga instructor Jen Hilman in a series of poses designed to target pain throughout the entire spine. Jen is easy to understand and you will feel just like you are in the studio getting a private lesson.

3. Five Back Pain Stretches 

This video shows a sequence of five gentles stretches from our friends at WebMD. These lower back pain exercises are guided by a physical therapist as he shows them on a patient. A header pops up that also provides the suggested reps and time to spend on each exercise. The narrator also provides useful tips on how the stretches should be performed and what muscles they target.

4. Toning Lower Back Workout Routine

Fitness Blender’s video runs through eight 50-second lower back pain exercises that require no equipment. There is no down time in this video so it goes by fast, but each move is expertly shown by the model. The narrator does an excellent job of describing the form and instructing you on how to get the maximum effect out of each movement. The timer is a great help that can help you stay on and give you a heads up of your next exercise.

5. 5 Steps to Lower Back Pain Relief 

Dr. Saranjeet Singh, sports medicine specialist, demonstrates his five steps to lower back pain relief. The video starts out with some common causes of lower back pain. He then moves in to the best stretches for lower back pain he uses. The catchy music and simple stretches makes this a fun video to follow along with. He also provides some safety measures at the end that are useful for every workout.

6. Best Stretches to Relieve Low Back Pain 

Cassy Ho from Blogilates shows us her routine to get rid of back pain in this short YouTube video. Not only are the stretches easy to follow, but her quirky personality makes following along a treat. The only issue you might have while watching this video is stopping every now and then to laugh at a funny story or a humorous remark.

7. 1 Minute Lower Back Pain Exercises 

Have lower back pain, but can only spare a single minute for exercise? Well then, this is for you! This video runs through a few basic exercises in a little over one minute. Each exercise will also give you the suggested reps, so you can add one or all of these stretches to your next workout.

8. 20 Min Lower Back Rehab

This workout can help your back and might make you sweat a little. This video comes in two parts. The first is a handful of lower back stretches to get you warmed up as well as relieve pain, and the second is focused on strengthening your muscles to prevent pain. Follow along as Coach Kozah does the whole routine so you don’t have to watch the clock.

What to avoid when doing stretches for lower back pain

Knowing what not to do is just as important as incorporating the best stretches for lower back pain into your routine. Mild discomfort is common as you start stretching as your muscles are not yet used to the strain. However, if mild pain lasts for more than a few minutes, you should stop immediately. This is a good indication that the exercise is aggravating your back problems, rather than helping.

Some stretches you should avoid when getting started include:

  • Standing toe touch: This stretch can put a lot of pressure on the discs and ligaments in your spine as well as overstretch supporting muscles such as the hamstrings
  • Leg lift: It is important to have a strong core to alleviate back pain, but a weak core will force you to overcompensate with the back in this exercise, leading to even more pain
  • Full sit-up: This is another common exercise that can lead to back pain as it puts a lot of pressure on your lower back

Always be aware of your posture when doing any stretch. Even the best stretches for lower back pain can cause issues if they are done incorrectly. Never sacrifice technique for a deeper stretch as it can cause a lot more pain and hinder the rest of your workout.

And, as always, talk to your doctor before performing these or any other lower back pain stretches. Your specific pain condition may be exasperated by these stretches, if done incorrectly or not at all. Your doctor may be able to recommend stretches that work better for you or suggest modifications.

Science of Back Pain nonadult
Our Back Pain Chiropractor Explains How To Reduce Work Pain https://arizonapain.com/back-pain-chiropractor/ Mon, 17 Oct 2016 15:00:08 +0000 http://arizonapain.com/?p=20985 Read more]]>
back pain chiropractor

Our Phoenix back pain chiropractor, Dr. Chance Moore, is very familiar with how office environments can affect a person’s body. Notably, the way we sit at our desks all day can create or exacerbate lower back pain or neck pain issues. If you’re looking for relief from either of these conditions–or other workplace-related pain conditions like carpal tunnel or hip pain–let’s look at some simple changes you can make to your office ergonomics today to help reduce muscle strain and tension.

Dr. Chance Moore, a back pain chiropractor in Phoenix, explains proper office posture

To get started, you’ll want to focus on your posture at the office. As our back pain chiropractor, Dr. Moore explains, there are three areas to focus on when improving your office ergonomics: your eyes, your head, and your thighs.

As this back pain chiropractor explains, in just five minutes you can make small changes to help improve your office experience. And, making these changes can help you improve your overall efficiency, while reducing your pain levels and muscular tension. Now that you’ve had this quick overview, let’s go more in-depth into how office ergonomics can reduce your lower back pain.

What are common back pain causes?

Since back pain is the most common condition associated with work-related pain, it makes sense to focus on the anatomy of the back.

The spine has a big job. It not only supports the entire body, but also gives us the flexibility for movement. When the spine and surrounding muscles are healthy and pain-free, most of us give little thought to the intricate network of bones and supporting components that give us so much freedom. But when we suffer from back pain, we notice every movement.

Although the spine has the ability to move in a variety of ways, holding the back in unnatural alignment for long periods of time in unhealthy. It may lead to back pain, particularly in the lumbar spine, which is the curved area in the lower back.

Repetitive movements like hunching over a computer during the day, lifting heavy objects on a job site, or slouching on the couch at night could contribute to or directly cause back pain. Fortunately, taking some precautions and staying aware of how you hold your spine can greatly reduce or eliminate back pain.

This video explains more of the science behind back pain.

How do I make sure my desk setup is ergonomic?

The stereotype of a desk-bound worker hunched over a computer has come to exemplify the modern workforce. Unfortunately, this unnatural position leads nowhere but back pain and suffering. The word “ergonomic” may bring to mind images of funny-shaped keyboards and a ramrod-straight posture, but using these tools and techniques helps to reduce the side effects of long hours spent sitting.

As our back pain chiropractor explained, a desk setup that encourages healthy posture starts at the head, making sure the computer screen rests at eye level. When your eyes are able to gaze straight ahead without tilting downward to peer at the screen, it ensures the head falls in line with the neck. This, in turn, helps keep the back straight.

When the computer screen rests below eye level, the eyes gaze down and the neck likely gets pushed forward, as our back pain chiropractor demonstrated in the video. The back might then hunch over to help the eyes move closer to the screen. This is a very unhealthy setup in terms of posture, and it easily leads to back or neck pain.

Reducing carpal tunnel pain and neck pain

After making sure the computer screen rests at eye level, you then must make sure the keyboard is at the appropriate level for ergonomics. The arms should have at least a 90-degree bend, with the wrists able to stay straight while typing. If you work on a laptop, you may want to invest in a second keyboard specifically for typing. That allows you to elevate the computer screen to eye level while having a second keyboard that lines up with your wrists.

You may also want to explore special equipment that reduces the repetitive tasks you engage in. For example, those who talk on the phone a lot may want to use a headset or add a shoulder rest to the handset. This eliminates the awkward neck position that comes from resting your head on your shoulder.

Next comes the feet, which should stay flat on the ground. Many people may be used to crossing their legs while sitting. This takes the body out of optimal alignment and could increase the risk for back pain. When it comes to ergonomics, every angle counts because the entire body is connected.

neck pain chiropractor

Finding a better chair 

The chair you sit in is also very important, as our back pain chiropractor explained. The chair must be at an adequate height to allow for the wrists to reach the keyboard while keeping them straight. If the arms rest at an angle less than 90 degrees, switching chairs may be necessary.

Although most chairs are adjustable, some of them won’t go high enough to achieve optimal alignment. This varies from person to person and also depends on the height of your desk, so you may need to try several chairs before finding the right one.

The chair should also follow the one-inch rule. When sitting in the chair, a one-inch gap should remain between the backs of your knees and the edge of the seat. Also, there should be a one-inch border around your thighs and hips. The thighs should also extend at 90-degree or larger angle. Make sure you have plenty of room to move around so that you don’t feel constricted. Another thing to keep in mind is finding a chair that has lumbar support to cushion the lower spine.

Buying a chair with wheels is helpful for simplifying small movements. If you have back pain, try to stay aware of moving suddenly, especially without a straight spine. Leaning over to grab a piece of paper or pick up the phone may seem innocent enough. A back weakened from time or poor posture, though, may send out pangs of pain. Using the chair’s wheels to move closer to the object you need, or getting up from the chair, helps to protect the lower back.

Trying out a stability ball

Another option is to replace your chair with a stability ball for a few periods each day. Using a stability ball encourages the muscles in your core and lower back to engage, ultimately strengthening them and potentially reducing back pain. This was shown in a report in The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association.

Make sure to select a stability ball that allows your feet to comfortably rest flat on the floor. For proper ergonomics, the hips should ideally rest above the knees. When first starting to use the stability ball, take care to begin in small amounts of time. The Canadian researchers suggest sitting on the ball for 20 minutes each day, although you may need to work up to that. Never sit on the ball for longer than it is comfortable for you.

Once you’re comfortable with sitting on the stability ball, stay as long as you wish, as long as there is no pain.

Have you considered a standing desk?

Our back pain chiropractor, Dr. Moore, didn’t touch on this in the video, but a standing desk can be another great option for relieving lower back pain. Many of the same rules of paying attention to the head and neck apply when using a standing desk, however.

Benefits of standing desks

According to recent research, one of the worst things you can do for your health is something that we all do, every day. It’s not eating too much fat or sugar; it’s not smoking or misusing prescription medications. Chances are, you are doing it right now.

The one bad health habit we all have is sitting too much.

Because of this, many people are gravitating toward standing desks. Even alternating between the two, spending much of the day seated with intervals spent standing, can have a marked impact on lower back pain. Standing desks help to strengthen leg and back muscles, and they also help encourage optimal blood flow. When seated, the body’s major muscles begin to contract and the entire metabolism slows down, which can harm your health.

Sitting has been called the new smoking because of its health risks. Experts now recommend that people stand for at least two hours each day, preferably working their way up to four, reports The Washington Post. The average office worker sits for ten hours a day. Many health experts say this increases the risk for heart disease, obesity, cancer, and depression, not to mention back pain.

stand up desk

The research on sitting 

The dangers of such sedentary activity are well-documented. The average person sits for six hours a day, and this does not include sitting at work. Even if you increase your activity outside of work, many of us still have jobs that require work at a desk. Many back pain chiropractors see patients specifically because of how much they sit.

Stand-up desks are getting more attention as the push for more physical activity increases. A study by the University of Iowa looked at the effects of sit/stand-up desks on employee activity. Using data from a small study group of mostly female office workers, researchers found that having the option to stand and work caused workers to stand up more often during the course of their day. This occurred even after the novelty of the desk wore off.

Employees with sit/stand-up desks stood up 60 minutes more a day than their counterparts without that option. This resulted in the burning of 87 extra calories daily, just by standing up.

Even though the study is small-scale, this is an important finding. Dr. Lucas Carr is an assistant professor in the department of health and human physiology and member of the Obesity Research and Education Initiative at the UI. He pointed out the dramatic change in the workforce that has corresponded with a rise in obesity in the U.S., saying:

“Studies suggest American workers today burn roughly 100 calories-less each day while at work compared to American workers in 1960. This decline in occupational energy expenditure is thought to play a substantial role in the rising obesity epidemic we have observed over that same time period.”

Before you make the switch to standing 

There are a few things to consider when making the switch to a stand-up desk.

  • You will be tired: Switching from sitting all day to standing for most of the day is definitely going to cause you to feel more physically fatigued at the end of the day. That is, at least until you get used to it. You don’t have to spend your entire workday on your feet. Aim for 15 minutes of standing every hour, gradually increasing as you feel stronger.
  • Posture matters: If you are standing with poor posture, your back is going to let you know. Paying attention to the ergonomics of your desk is crucial, but it is also important to stand correctly. This is right in line with the advice our back pain chiropractor gave. Office ergonomics come down to paying attention to where your head, neck, and thighs are at all times.
  • Wear the proper footwear: A stand-up desk requires supportive footwear. Standing all day in three-inch heels is not doing your body any favors. If you wear heels at work, keep them at one inch or lower or switch to flats when you stand up. You can also lay down an ergonomic mat to protect your feet.

Finding a standing desk that works for you

If you’d like to try a stand-up desk, make sure that whichever one you buy or create runs along the same ergonomic principles outlined for sitting. That means the eyes should be level with the computer screen, the elbows should rest at a 90-degree angle, and the wrists should reach the keyboard in a straight line. No matter if you spend the day seated or standing, taking occasional breaks to stretch is always a good idea.

A stand-up desk is very simple, in both theory and practice. These desks remove the chair, raising your workspace so that you can work comfortably while standing. Some of the ready-made desks have a foot rest so that you can take the weight off of one leg every now and again. Others are simply a table with your computer and monitor on it.

There are some key measurements to take into consideration when looking into buying a stand-up desk. You cannot just place your laptop on a tall table and call it a day. Ergonomics are an important consideration.

  • To begin, the desk height should be directly in line with your bent elbows, or just slightly below.
  • You should have 20 to 28” of space between your eyes and your computer monitor.
  • Your computer monitor should be tilted at a 20-degree angle.
  • The monitor and the keyboard should not be at the same height. Raise your monitor slightly. For this reason, a laptop is not the best choice when working at a stand-up desk.

Making your own standing desk

Many stand-up desks come with fancy features and accessories that can really add up. As with most things there are many more affordable options.

You can build your own stand-up desk for less than $30 using various tables and benches from Ikea. Or, you can look for more affordable, ready-made options. You can convert your current sitting desk easily and quickly with just a few accessories.

What if I have back pain from my manual job?

While our back pain chiropractor discussed pain conditions that are related to working in an office, many manual job workers also experience pain. In fact, people whose jobs require them to complete manual tasks while in awkward positions are eight times more likely to develop back pain than other types of workers, according to the Arthritis Care and Research journal. Distraction and fatigue were other factors that significantly increased a person’s risk of developing back pain. The study also found that people working between the hours of 7 a.m. and noon were most at risk.

Researchers said identifying the main risk factors was critical to developing strategies to circumvent them and help people complete their jobs while staying healthy. People in careers like construction are especially susceptible to back pain. This is because they must complete work tasks while carrying heavy equipment or working in unnatural positions.

back pain from job

Reducing your lower back pain risk at a manual job

For people who use their bodies a lot during the day, it can be difficult to figure out how to work in a safe way. But taking a few precautions helps to reduce risk. Our back pain chiropractor recommended a few more tips for reducing pain through the day.

First, plan how you’ll lift a heavy object before actually picking it up, recommends Intelihealth. Testing the real weight of an object helps better prepare the body. It also ensures you have enough room to safely lift it. For especially heavy loads, ask for help from a coworker.

Another tip is to take your time while lifting. Distracted workers are more likely to develop back pain than non-distracted workers. This is because it’s easy to inadvertently pull a muscle when rushing through a task. It’s better to take extra time and complete less work than experience an injury or pang of back pain. This will slow you down even more or maybe even send you home.

Exercise proper lifting form, with bent knees. Engage the stomach muscles so the core helps to support the spine as you lift, recommends Intelihealth. Spread the feet wide, placing one foot in front of the other to ensure maximum grip. Also, make sure to take frequent breaks and give your body the recovery time it needs.

Finding a back pain chiropractor for pain relief

Once you’ve implemented these changes, you may find that while your back pain improves slightly. However, you may also find that you need more help on your journey towards finding pain relief. This is where a dedicated back pain chiropractor or pain doctor can help you get back to a life without pain.

Often, a focused treatment plan created by a team of healthcare professionals like those at Arizona Pain is your best bet when dealing with a chronic pain condition. A chronic pain condition is one that has lasted more than three months. After you’ve worked with a back pain chiropractor or pain doctor, you can begin to incorporate physical therapy, exercise, and proper office ergonomics into your life. This is to make sure the pain doesn’t return.

If you’re interested in learning how you can find a life without pain, click the button below to schedule a time to talk to one of our back pain chiropractors or pain doctors.

Expert Chiropractor Dr. Chance Moore Shows How To Fix Poor Office Posture nonadult