Dive Into Knee And Back Health For July

July was a big month for knee and back health here at Arizona Pain. We explored a wide berth of information from each concerning causes, treatment options, pain-relieving exercises, and even new technologies. We dedicated this entire month to these two categories because pain in these areas can be a common occurrence. Knee and back … Read more

Best 15 Posts From Arizona Pain In 2015

This year on Arizona Pain, we’ve covered a lot of ground. From serious topics like depression and health disparities to the light-hearted, inspirational reads, here are 15 of our favorite blog posts that we hope will improve your life, even if in some small way. 1. 10 Favorite TED Health Talks from 2015 TED produces some … Read more

October Reads On Arizona Pain: Living Well With Arthritis, Breast Cancer Awareness News

This month on Arizona Pain, we dove into breast cancer awareness and living better with arthritis. The topics are timely because October marks awareness initiatives for both conditions. Education is one of our cornerstone philosophies for excellent, effective patient care, and awareness efforts dovetail with that mission. We wanted to bring you the latest research … Read more

September On Arizona Pain

September is an important month in terms of awareness efforts, and this month we covered several that affect the pain community. We also offered innovative ways to get involved. Other topics covered this month included in-depth examinations of weightier topics, including the obstacles some minority groups face when searching for medical care. Between cultural barriers, misunderstandings, … Read more

April Reads: Promoting Mental Health

From stress to depression and beyond, some type of mental health issue affects millions of people in the U.S. Even those without a clinical disorder often face occasional anxiety or bouts of sadness they may not know how to handle. For people living with chronic pain, treating the mind is just as important as treating … Read more

Exercise To Injury Treatment: Stay On Track In January

January is a special time, full of energy and enthusiasm for new resolutions. At the core, resolutions are fueled by an image of you living at your best. The new you is already inside the existing you, just a few good habits and positive changes away. As January recedes into February and life sometimes gets … Read more