September On Arizona Pain

September is an important month in terms of awareness efforts, and this month we covered several that affect the pain community. We also offered innovative ways to get involved. Other topics covered this month included in-depth examinations of weightier topics, including the obstacles some minority groups face when searching for medical care. Between cultural barriers, misunderstandings, … Read more

The Untold Story Of The LGBTQ Community In Chronic Pain

Bruce Jenner’s transition into Caitlyn Jenner resulted in massive media coverage that highlighted the transgender community like never before and ushered in wider social acceptance of the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning) community, reports MedCity News. On the heels of Jenner’s reveal, New York announced plans to mount an awareness initiative around transgender health … Read more

The Untold Story Of Young People in Chronic Pain

Think of chronic pain, and a young person is likely not the first image to pop in your mind. About 5% of children and adolescents live with the condition, however, according to research from the American Pain Society. Their burden is largely silent, yet no less burdensome than an adult with pain. Young people with … Read more

Behind Bars: The Mental Health Crisis In Prison

The U.S. has the world’s highest incarceration rate, and many of those behind bars suffer from mental health issues, leading advocates to call prisons the country’s de facto mental asylums, according to a report by the Treatment Advocacy Center (TAC). The report, issued in 2014, found that while state and county correction facilities nationwide housed … Read more

African American History Month Spotlights Community’s Chronic Pain Burden

February marks African American History Month, a time to honor the nation’s black heritage and recognize the community’s struggle to gain rights equal to all U.S. citizens. Today, despite being equal in the eyes of the law, African Americans continue to experience high levels of poverty, reduced access to medical care, and poorer outcomes when … Read more