water therapy – Arizona Pain https://arizonapain.com Pain Clinics in Phoenix, Chandler, Gilbert, Glendale, Tempe, and Scottsdale Tue, 22 Mar 2022 20:56:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://arizonapain.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/cropped-Arizona_Pain_Logo_ONLY_3__tgpct8-scaled-1-32x32.webp water therapy – Arizona Pain https://arizonapain.com 32 32 How To Use Saunas To Manage Chronic Pain https://arizonapain.com/how-to-use-saunas-to-manage-chronic-pain/ https://arizonapain.com/how-to-use-saunas-to-manage-chronic-pain/#comments Fri, 18 Mar 2022 15:00:00 +0000 http://arizonapain.com/?p=18647

Few things are more relaxing than soaking in a hot tub or sauna, or possibly hitting the steam room. For patients with fibromyalgia or other types of chronic pain who are looking to reduce discomfort, heat therapy can help diminish pain as well as reduce stress and promote feelings of wellbeing.

Sauna or stream room?

Saunas and steam rooms offer different types of heat, and which one you prefer will likely depend on personal preference.

A sauna tends to have dry heat, like Arizona in the summer but hotter. The rooms are typically heated anywhere from 160 degrees to 200 degrees. The extreme heat causes the body’s skin temperature to reach 104 degrees within a few minutes, according to Harvard Health. The heat also results in a quickening of the pulse, which forces the body to circulate blood and other fluids more rapidly.

The body’s hard work to pump blood to the skin and cool the body results in sweat, which many people say cleanses and detoxifies the body although not too many scientific studies support this claim, according to Greatist. That’s because other internal organs, like the kidneys and the liver are responsible for the bulk of the body’s detoxification and not the skin.

Saunas have long been used in some cultures as a way to promote good health. In Finland, saunas have been used since the 12th century, and today are commonly accessible to the general population. In the U.S., saunas and steam rooms tend to be luxuries or uncommon amenities.

Finnish researchers have discovered that several sauna sessions each week diminish the risk for cardiovascular disease, reports Reuters Health. Researchers cautioned that people should drink plenty of water after sitting in the sauna.

A steam room, meanwhile, tends to be cooler than a sauna, reaching about 110 degrees to 120 degrees. The room is heated through steam piped in and so the feel is more analogous to a bathroom after someone takes a long, hot shower. Moist heat is a recommended treatment for fibromyalgia, and many people find steam rooms soothing for pain, reports WebMD.

Not many studies have been done to measure the effects steam rooms or saunas have on people with chronic pain or fibromyalgia. However, both types of heated therapy promote feelings of relaxation, which can in turn reduce pain.

One way saunas may benefit people with fibromyalgia is by improving elasticity in muscle tendons, according to research by Dr. Peter Rowe, director of the Chronic Fatigue Clinic at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. This increased elasticity could help people with chronic pain feel more agile.

Many people say there’s a feeling of camaraderie inside the rooms, and that social atmosphere further induces feelings of relaxation. Social support is important for managing chronic pain, and taking a friend to the sauna or steam room could be a great way to hang out while relaxing and taking positive action to reduce chronic pain.

Other possible health benefits of heat therapy include improved strength and enhanced muscle recovery, according to Greatist. Some studies have also shown regular visits to the sauna potentially lower cholesterol and blood pressure while improving insulin sensitivity, which plays a role in diabetes. If you have diabetes, heart problems, or other health problem besides fibromyalgia or chronic pain, talk to a doctor before heading in to soak up the heat.

Saunas and steam rooms not without risk

Pain patients should approach heat therapy with caution because the high temperatures could also activate stress hormones.

The potential for stress makes it important to choose the right type of heat therapy. Some people prefer dry heat while others prefer more moisture in the air. Opting for a sauna, steam room, or even hot tub treatment depending on those personal preferences will ensure you derive the optimum benefit.

Although people frequently use saunas after strenuous exercise, doctors generally don’t advise this practice because the extreme heat can be stressful to the heart, according to the LA Times. Although some research has found that saunas promote heart health, sitting in the sauna may cause heart failure in those with an existing heart condition.

Build up the amount of time you spend in the sauna or steam room slowly, starting with maybe just a minute or two and then gradually increasing the amount of time to five or ten minutes. Sitting inside too long can cause heat exhaustion or dehydration, so make sure to drink plenty of water and exit the room if you feel light-headed or dizzy, even if you just entered.

Float therapy for fibromyalgia offers hope

Float therapy is a relatively new trend, but proponents say the health benefits are tremendous, and an entire research initiative has emerged studying the benefits specific to fibromyalgia. The Fibromyalgia Floatation Project (FFP) is a loosely organized group of scientists and businesspeople interested in furthering the limited, but promising research.

An FFP study completed in Sweden found float spas can “produce significant temporary relief to the symptoms of fibromyalgia.” Patients benefited from less pain and reduced stress, anxiety, and muscle tension. Study participants also reported improved feelings of wellbeing, enhanced relaxation, and even more energy.

Float therapy involves the use of salt-water filled pods. The water is so heavily salted that the person effortlessly floats, with no worry of sinking. The water is heated to skin temperature to promote the ultimate relaxation. The goal is sensory deprivation, in which all the noisy stimuli of daily living—light, noise, email, and people—vanish. In the float tank, people fall into a deep state of relaxation that proponents say is profoundly healing.

Because the water is the same temperature as the skin, people can’t tell where their body begins and ends while floating, writes Shelly Fan in Discover magazine. This contributes to the feeling of relaxation and may result in a deep meditative state. When the mind stops, the body can fully rest, which helps to increase levels of energy.

While researchers generally believe that fibromyalgia results from disturbances in how the body processes pain, some research has suggested that the stress and sleep deprivation associated with fibromyalgia may result in a magnesium deficiency. Floating in a bed of salt helps to alleviate this deficiency, according to FFP.

Have you tried a form of heat therapy for fibromyalgia?

Image by Hotel Arthur via Flickr

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Foam Rollin’ And Heat: 3 Ways To Manage Sore Muscles https://arizonapain.com/foam-rollin-and-heat-3-ways-to-manage-sore-muscles/ Fri, 08 May 2015 15:00:40 +0000 http://arizonapain.com/?p=18563 Read more]]>

Achy and sore muscles are hallmark symptoms of fibromyalgia and unfortunately a common experience. Symptoms may range from stiffness to a more active, aching feeling, but however it manifests, it’s never fun.

Fortunately, there are a number of at-home ways to treat sore muscles from fibromyalgia. Many methods involve equipment or objects frequently found around the house. Other remedies involve items that can be bought relatively cheaply.

Different people may experience varying results even with the same method of managing those sore muscles, so try a variety of things and find what works best for you.

Here is a roundup of easy, at-home treatment methods for sore muscles.

1. Foam roller

Available for sale at any sporting goods stores or discount retailer, a foam roller can feel amazing on achy muscles. This practice may take some getting used to and even cause initial pain as the roller presses into painful areas, but after rolling, many people experience a sense of relief.

Using a foam roller is a type of myofascial release. This therapy targets constricted areas in the myofascial tissues, which are the membranes that surround and connect muscles. The constricted areas are known as trigger points, and they may develop from a variety of causes including injury or overuse, according to Mayo Clinic.

The tightness and constriction in trigger points often leads to additional areas of pain throughout the body because an imbalance in one muscle group often leads to imbalances in other places. Because of this, working to free individual trigger points may lead to relief from soreness throughout the body.

The foam roller breaks up these areas, freeing the knots and restoring ease of movement to those nerves and connective tissue. Breaking up this scar tissue can be painful, but many people find this self-administered form of myofascial release ultimately diminishes pain from sore muscles.

Athletes frequently use foam rolling to promote recovery after particularly strenuous workouts, but research published in the International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork also suggests that the practice may benefit people living with chronic pain.

Foam rollers are particularly effective when used on the quads or hamstrings, and it may also feel good to roll your back over it. Just be careful if you have limited back flexibility. To use, place your body weight over the roller in the targeted area and slowly roll along, applying as much of your body weight onto the roller as possible. As a warning, it will probably hurt. But pain is often a signal that the practice is working, reports Greatist.

You might also want to experiment with holding the roller in one place for 20 to 30 seconds to release any especially tight areas. Rolling on a tennis ball could also work, and is useful for small areas like the feet. To find relief for larger areas, like the legs, investing the $10 or $20 in the roller is helpful because it’s easier to use.

2. Oil massage

It’s not just for romance: the Ayurvedic massage technique known as Abhyanga involves the applications of warm oil. This practice is believed to promote self-love, which in turn fosters a feeling of deep relaxation and release felt all the way into the deepest layers of muscles, according to The Chopra Center. Release tension and reduce muscle soreness with this ancient healing practice.

Ayurveda is an ancient system of Indian medicine that not only provides guidance for treating sickness but also offers techniques to promote health and wellness.

Benefits include stimulating the organs so they work at maximum efficiency, promoting joint health, softening the skin while reducing signs of aging, and alleviating anxiety, according to The Chopra Center.

To take part in the ancient, healing ritual, warm about ¼ cup of gentle oil like jojoba in a pot until it’s just hot enough to cause a warm sensation when applied to the inner wrist. Head to a warm room like a bathroom and find a comfortable place to sit or stand.

Starting at the crown of the head, apply oil in circular strokes, gradually expanding the circles to include the entire scalp. Stay massaging the scalp for a couple of minutes, enlivening all the energy points there, and then move to the face, keeping the circular motions going. Don’t forget the ears, which contain many nerve endings.

Moving to the arms, change from a circular motion to long brushing strokes, while keeping that circular movement when massaging the joints. Move to the abdomen and down the legs, not missing a single section of your body, and end with the feet, spending a few minutes there. Feet are another very important body part in Ayurvedic medicine, according to The Copra Center, because they contain many nerve endings and energy centers.

Sit and relax for anywhere from five to 15 minutes before washing the oil off in a bath or shower. Try to use a mild soap when washing the oil off, and keep a gentle touch, avoiding any vigorous scrubbing. Be careful when bathing because the oil will make it easy for you to slip in the bathtub or shower.

When towel drying, again avoid any vigorous rubbing action.

3. Warm water relief for sore muscles

Nothing beats an old-fashioned bath for sore muscle relief. Doctors sometimes give it a fancy name—warm water therapy—but the principle remains the same.

Benefits include helping to loosen joints, reducing pain, and diminishing the effect of gravity on the joint, which can help to release pressure.

For optimal results, soak in water that’s between 92 and 100 degrees for around 20 minutes. People with heart problems should err on the cooler side since hot water could be dangerous to the heart. If you have access to a larger tub, try stretching to loosen the muscles and joints even further. You might also want to use the tub’s wall to rub a tennis ball on your back, performing a little myofascial release, recommends Arthritis Today.

Pouring two to four coups of Epsom salt into the bath promotes additional relief.

What at-home remedies do you use for sore muscles?

Image by Ben Smith via Flickr
