6 New Research Studies For American Diabetes Month

Every 19 seconds, someone is diagnosed with diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), adding to the 30 million adults and children already living with the disease. November is American Diabetes Month, and the high numbers of people living with the disease, in addition to the significant health complications it can cause, make diabetes … Read more

6 Ways To Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer to affect women, but fortunately, there are many ways to reduce the risk. Most people—men can develop the disease, too—who develop breast cancer don’t have the disease in their family, according to BreastCancer.org. Up to 10% of cases are linked to gene mutations like BRCA 1 … Read more

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month: What You Need To Know

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time to encourage women to perform self-exams and stay aware of their health. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women, affecting one in eight during their lifetimes, according to Breastcancer.org. As many as 85% of women who are diagnosed have no cases in … Read more

Pain Awareness Month: Sharing Your Story To Change The World

For the 100 million people suffering from chronic pain, the discomfort can feel overwhelming, like it’s here to destroy you and ruin your life. You may feel like you want to cower in the face of it, hide until it goes away. Maybe you’re tired of telling people about it and trying to explain the … Read more

Become Inspired On World Humanitarian Day

Humanitarians work in the world’s most dangerous countries, helping ordinary citizens ravaged by war or natural disasters find medical care, housing, and food. This critical but treacherous work comes with great risk. On Aug. 19, 2003, 22 United Nations staffers died when the organization’s Baghdad headquarters was bombed. Since then, advocates have declared Aug. 19 … Read more

Honoring Fibromyalgia Awareness Day

Fibromyalgia is frequently referred to as an invisible disease, but this year’s Fibromyalgia Awareness Day on May 12 aims to lift the veil and make this disorder visible. Also on May 12, advocates will publicize the health effects of myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)/chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which is a chronic condition marked by persistent, extreme fatigue. … Read more

Find Your Center On Earth Day

Earth Day, which takes place on April 22, is a daylong celebration of the planet that sustains us all. Earth Day organizers hope that by celebrating the planet and raising awareness about its fragile ecosystems, greater efforts can be made to secure clean water to drink, air to breathe, and land to enjoy for future … Read more

Diversity In Healthcare During National Minority Health Month

Preventative medicine holds the key to keeping people healthy, yet many minorities lack access to this all-important care. April’s National Minority Health Month seeks to raise awareness about this problem with its campaign, Prevention is Power: Taking Action for Health Equity! Preventive medicine refers to routine doctors’ appointments, vaccines, testing, and other medical procedures that … Read more

How To Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Week

Sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is be kind. Such is the sentiment behind Random Acts of Kindness Week, which takes place Feb. 9 through 15. During this week, people are encouraged to commit random acts of kindness that brighten people’s days. Kindness is contagious, and spreading good cheer reverberates throughout the world. … Read more

World Cancer Day Highlights Solutions For Rising Cancer Rates

This Feb. 4 people around the world will honor World Cancer Day, a time devoted to raising awareness about cancer solutions. News reports often emphasize the number of deaths and escalating rates of those affected. However, greater knowledge about the disease and improvements in treatment, prevention, and detection have at the same time increased the … Read more