Wishing You A Merry And Bright Christmas From Arizona Pain!

Merry Christmas! We at Arizona Pain hope the holidays bring you good cheer and time to rest and enjoy delicious food and the company of family and friends. We’re so grateful for your support and patronage. Everything we do at Arizona Pain is done with the intention of helping you live a better life. We’re passionate about making sure our patients get the best possible medical treatment so they can live their best lives. And, we know personally what that means.

At Arizona Pain, our philosophy is “Would I want this treatment for my own mom or dad?” The Arizona Pain practice was born from personal experience. Co-founder Dr. Paul Lynch learned firsthand the heartbreak of chronic pain when his mother-in-law was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer. Her suffering inspired him to study ways of alleviating pain.

Dr. Lynch’s certainty in his newfound calling inspired longtime friend Dr. Tory McJunkin to follow suit, and the two men pursued academic training at top-tier universities before founding Arizona Pain. It’s that insider perspective and compassion that make Arizona Pain different.

We’re dedicated to comprehensive care that spans all treatment modalities—from ancient systems like acupuncture with roots stretching back thousands of years to the most cutting-edge treatments. Our patients have all those available to them right here in the Phoenix and Scottsdale area.

Towards a life with less pain

There’s no doubt about it, December was a busy time of year. We rolled into the month with our bellies full from Thanksgiving just a week prior, then it was on to holiday shopping, traveling and visiting with family. It’s a hectic time, but the problem is that sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves, and that’s when things become painful.

As hectic as this year is, you have to remember to take some time out and take care of yourself. Nothing is worse than being in pain when you’re busy, particularly when you have lots of fun activities on your plate. Why let pain get in the way?

We understand what you’re going through; we have busy lives, too. But if you find yourself in pain, or you’re worried that something is going to catch up with you at the worst possible time, take a moment out and stop in to get checked out. Nothing is worse than being sidelined during the holidays, and we want to make sure that you spend as much time with your family as possible.

Onto better pain relief 

We know that pain isn’t a one-time incident, and it often doesn’t have a single cure.

Arizona Pain patients receive customized care plans full of effective treatments both ancient and modern. We regularly refer patients for natural and effective complementary therapies such as chiropractic, physical therapy, and massage. Because many of the medical professionals administering these treatments work through Arizona Pain, we’re able to practice collaborative care. That’s a fancy way of saying everybody talks here. We know which treatments you’ve had and your entire medical team discusses your treatment plan.

That collaboration prevents duplication and gaps in care. Plus, it makes your life easier.

Pain is a complex condition, with a dizzying array of causes, made all the more difficult to treat by each patient’s unique biology. Everybody is made up of the same parts, but not everybody responds the same to identical treatments. Many people with similar primary conditions will experience those conditions in slightly different ways.

Unfortunately, many doctors don’t have the time to treat such complex conditions. That’s where Arizona Pain comes in. We approach each case individually, with a commitment to uncover and treat underlying conditions instead of writing a prescription pad bandage that barely moves the needle on your pain.

We do this because we care. We’ve enjoyed rapid growth, and it’s all because of patients like you who entrust us with your wellness. It’s your health, your body, your life, and we’d like to take this opportunity to let you know how much we value it.

Thank you. We know you have families you love and for whom you want to live your best life. And we’re committed to helping you do that.

From the Arizona Pain family to your family, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah and Happy Kwanzaa. May all your days be merry and bright.