How To Exercise Safely With Knee Osteoarthritis

People living with knee osteoarthritis often find it painful to move. Eroding cartilage in the knee can make it painful to walk or navigate the stairs. However exercise is one the best non-drug treatments to reduce pain and improve mobility, making it important for osteoarthritis patients to find a way to move despite the pain. … Read more

Let’s Move! Childhood Obesity Initiative Celebrates 5 Years—But Is It Working?

Five years ago, First Lady Michelle Obama launched the Let’s Move! initiative to curtail staggeringly high rates of childhood obesity. The program emphasizes wholesome habits for food and fitness in hopes of making kids healthier within one generation. About one-third of all children and adolescents are overweight or obese, according to the campaign, and that … Read more

Exercise To Injury Treatment: Stay On Track In January

January is a special time, full of energy and enthusiasm for new resolutions. At the core, resolutions are fueled by an image of you living at your best. The new you is already inside the existing you, just a few good habits and positive changes away. As January recedes into February and life sometimes gets … Read more

Yoga Classes Support A Safe, Fulfilling Practice

The benefits of yoga are vast. Students can expect to gain flexibility, strength, and improved balance from continued practice, while those with chronic pain may find the practice improves quality of life. Although many people aren’t sure how to start practicing, the best way is to attend a live class with a registered yoga teacher … Read more

Top 5 Dangers Of Sitting And How To Stay Safe

A sedentary lifestyle has been linked to a host of health issues, including obesity, back pain, and osteoporosis. Sitting is dangerous enough to be considered the new smoking, according to The average U.S. adult sits for eight hours each day, reports U.S. News, but that number is higher for many people who may work in … Read more

Reimagine Workouts With Green Exercise

Exercising creates health and spending time in nature boosts mental health, so combine the two into green exercise and what do you get? A phenomenally beneficial activity that further enhances the benefits of exercise, researchers at Coventry University have found. To examine the impacts of green exercise on a group of children, scientists showed study … Read more

Scientists Identify Exercise Molecule

Scientists have long known that exercise improves health, speeds up metabolism, and provides a host of other health benefits, but the mechanisms underlying improved health have remained a mystery until now. Recent research published in the journal Cell Metabolism reveals that exercise causes muscles to form a protein that leads to the formation of a special … Read more

Phoenix Pain-Friendly Hiking Trails

Phoenix offers hiking trails for a range of abilities, from the elite athlete to those looking for a more pain-friendly option. Although the Valley’s more famous trails include the notoriously difficult Camelback Mountain and others with precipitous paths featuring sheer drop-offs, there are a huge number of pain-friendly hiking trails that offer a good workout, … Read more

How To Reduce The Risk Of Yoga Injuries

Yoga can be an incredibly nurturing and healing practice, but overdoing it or moving through postures with improper alignment can cause severe injury. That’s why it’s important to take precautions when practicing. People with chronic pain should pay extra close attention to the signals their bodies send. While yoga may provide relief from pain and … Read more

Is Yoga Enough Exercise By Itself?

Yoga practitioners and medical professionals alike tout the many benefits of yoga, ranging from strength and flexibility to an increased ability to stay calm during chaos. But not every yoga session results in sweating or an increased heart rate, leading some to question its merit as a workout. Is yoga alone enough exercise? The answer … Read more