Comments on: Fibromyalgia Spoon Theory Explains How Patients Ration Energy Pain Clinics in Phoenix, Chandler, Gilbert, Glendale, Tempe, and Scottsdale Tue, 22 Mar 2022 16:36:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Arizona Pain Mon, 16 Apr 2018 16:21:26 +0000 In reply to Meg.

Thank you so much for sharing your story Meg and we are so glad the spoon theory helps you!!! We also know that fibromyalgia is so difficult to live with. For more support, we encourage you to reach out to chronic pain support groups. It helps to have other people who intimately know what you’re struggling with. We’ve listed our favorites here and there’s also some in the comments that other readers have recommended: for stopping by the blog!

By: Meg Sat, 14 Apr 2018 15:41:10 +0000 I was tearing up as I read this because explaining Fibromyalgia is just so difficult. Doctors look at me like I’m nuts and normal people? Forget it! I am 22, diagnosed 8 or 9 years ago (freshman year of high school, but have been suffering as far back as I can remember. I would wake up at night crying and the doctors said it was growing pains. The cold would physically hurt me and grown ups would tell me I was being dramatic. The diagnosis helped me feel like someone believed me but now I fight the stigma that it “isn’t real”… I work two jobs, six days a week and just finished being a full time student on top. I just gave my notice at one job because my boss just does not understand how exhausted I am. People think that because I am young and functional, I must be faking. What I’d give to switch places with a healthy person for a week. I want to know what it feels like to be healthy so badly… I’ve come to terms with the fact that unless someone experiences the pain, they will never understand. But now that I’ve read this and fully understand this theory, I FINALLY have a way to explain the fatigue! I couldn’t be more thankful that I’ve found this! 🙂

By: Arizona Pain Mon, 02 Oct 2017 23:12:29 +0000 In reply to Kim.

Hi Kim — Thanks for leaving your comment here. Fibromyalgia, and all invisible diseases, are so difficult to live with. For more support, we encourage you to reach out to some chronic pain support groups. It helps to have other people who intimately know what you’re struggling with. We’ve listed our favorites here and there’s also some in the comments that other readers have recommended: We hope that helps. Thanks for stopping by the blog.

By: Kim Tue, 19 Sep 2017 15:31:01 +0000 I have fibromyalgia was only diagonased after years running g to drs I was diagnosed at 36 I’m now 53 I just collapsed one day couldn’t get out of bed when the pain goes into my spine no meds work I take morphine patches maybe get one day a few hours pain free .one day my house is clean next it’s all over the place making a meal can’t now cos I can’t get it together forget pots on fibromyalgia fog I’d terrible miss appointments when 38 I had a child Dr was shocked so was I 5 months didn’t no and I was in the change hospital couldn’t believe it at the end was on a support belt and I couldn’t walk.noe she’s a teenager and it’s hard cos I can’t do the thinks I want to I used to be so active walked everywhere now I’m a shadow of myself .my family don’t understand and it’s and lonely illness cos people then stop asking you to go out.aleays tired and stress flares it up .I’ve osteoporosis as my 30 I felt 70 now I feel like 90 .Dr put me on bacolfene and lyrica and it helped my muscles sometimes.sometimes I think of not being here but I have three children and it’s really hard cos I’m not there mum anymore I’m just a shell existing in this pain constant.ive explained u no when your in childbirth and the pain at 10 well that’s wat this is like only there’s no gas and air r any pain relief and it’s just constant x

By: Arizona Pain Sun, 06 Aug 2017 21:49:19 +0000 In reply to Helen Wilson.

Hi Helen — Thanks for talking about your experience here!

By: Helen Wilson Tue, 01 Aug 2017 09:11:13 +0000 Hi
I have fibromyalgia which was diagnosed ten years ago. Back then my doctor was not understanding of the condition but is great now and is on the committee in Flintshire North Wales UK to get it recognised as a disability officially which will bring greater understanding of the condition. As for me I hold down a full time teaching assistant job and run my home. I will not give in to the condition and carry on regardless this is never easy but it’s the way I am. I understand the concept of the spoons but would literally panic and go into melt down if I ran out of spoons before the day had hardly started. It’s one thing thinking about something but visually seeing the spoons diminish I would not be able to deal with. I have lots of annoying symptoms with it like constant ringing in the ears that I have sort of become used to and this is part of me and I have to live with it. What happens when I’m old is my concern I can’t see me coping as well then.

By: Arizona Pain Tue, 18 Jul 2017 02:46:49 +0000 In reply to Irene McGuinn.

Thanks for stopping by the blog Irene! We are so glad you’ve found some relief and wish for less pain in your future.

By: Irene McGuinn Wed, 12 Jul 2017 00:25:49 +0000 Love the “Spoon Theory” right on point. I was Diagnosed with Fibro about 19 years ago – but have had muscle (NOT JOINT) pain all my life. but when I was younger/child to teens I was very active – skating every day, riding bikes, what most kids did in the late 50’s and 60’s. but as I got older as a teen, I was beginning to have a difficult time lifting professional roller skates or even lift my legs. – It’s been down hill since. I do feel blessed that I have not had as much difficulty/pain as others. I have been able to maintain my FIBRO most of the time – but as others have stated – STRESS is the key factor that triggers the FIBRO and makes me have really bad periods of time. I have to go through various meds to get the right one for that time. right now I have been having muscle spasms all over and have switched from Cymbalta to Savilla, but it hasn’t helped yet. really having a bad spell for now. Hopefully this too will pass – soon… thank you for the updates and information.

By: Arizona Pain Tue, 11 Jul 2017 02:26:25 +0000 In reply to A Janet Simmons.

Hi there — We are so sorry to hear about the effect fibro has had on your life. Thanks for sharing your story here.

By: A Janet Simmons Thu, 06 Jul 2017 23:01:00 +0000 I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and fibro…have had them since I was 40 and am now 70…the first 2 yrs I was in a wheelchair as they werent sure what it was and I was going for test after test. I just wanted an answer but could no longer work because of the pain. Finally in 1988 after seeing all kinds of specialists the head of Rheumatology at UCLA diagnosed me with Fibro and RA. Back then there wasnt much you could do but at least I had a name for what was wrong with me…and I knew I wasnt imagining it like some Drs had said..I was put on Disability and he had me slowly start exercising but to listen to my body and not overdo…if I needed to rest to rest…I try not to plan things 2 days in a row so my body can rest..I take Lyrica and find it helps me fo my Fibro..
