Treatment For Fibromyalgia – 5 Cutting-Edge Findings

Fibromyalgia is a condition that is defined broadly by an onset of pain throughout the body. It can carry with it symptoms such as fatigue, cognitive issues, anxiety, and poor balance. Around ten million people in the United States are affected by fibro, so it is definitely a problem that is starting to get more … Read more

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Research – 4 Promising Findings

Everyone has had a night of sleep that does nothing to cure the general feeling of tiredness. Whether it is from stress, anxiety, or pain, the next day is always a challenge to bear. As fatigue sets in the day after a sleepless night, we all become irritable, weak, and lack energy to get through … Read more

Patient Expectations Can Influence Pain Treatment Outcomes

The experience of pain is a complex interaction of biological and psychological processes. The traditional view of pain was that it is the result of damage to tissues of the body that is detected by nerves that transmitted this information to the brain. This biologically focused view is accurate, but it is incomplete. The signals … Read more

Women In Pain – What You Need To Know

It is common knowledge today that the difference between women and men go far beyond just the general construction and function of our reproductive organs. But did you know that disparities between the sexes can be different even in relation to how we experience pain? In a recent article, “Women may experience more pain than men, … Read more

Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation Receives FDA Approval

Chronic pain affects millions of people in the U.S., with back and leg pain being the most common forms. These types of pain are often relieved by conservative care (rest, chiropractic care, physical therapy), medications, and injection therapies. In cases where this chronic pain persists, other treatments may be necessary. One of the most cutting-edge treatment … Read more

When It Comes To The Brain – Are Video Games Bad For You?

There are hundreds of distractions and diversions in the modern world, from watching television to Sudoku. A lot of time is devoted to seeking entertainment and ways to unwind from the stress of a job, family, and everyday life. Video games have become increasingly popular as well and researchers are trying to tackle the perceived … Read more

Tackle Your Food Cravings With Gamified Apps

Controlling those hunger pangs can be one of the most challenging things during a busy day. Being in high stress mode and having little time can make your cravings get out of control and make you reach for the nearest candy bar and a comfy couch. So, how do you train your brain to stop … Read more

Opioid Induced Hyperalgesia: A Counterintuitive Finding of Pain Medicine

By Ted Swing, Ph.D Medications are one of the most common treatments for pain. Their effectiveness for immediate pain is well-established and they can be effective for treating chronic pain as well. One of the most widely used types of pain medications are opioids, such as morphine or oxycodone. Studies have found that these medications … Read more

6 Of The Latest Findings From Food Research

We live in a world that is constantly evolving. New things are discovered every day that make each of us healthier and help provide a better life in the world of food research. Let’s dive into the fascinating and delicious new strides scientists have made about what (and how!) we eat. 1. Algae, quinoa, and … Read more

5 Findings From The Latest Obesity Research

In the U.S., 68% of adults are either obese or overweight. This health crisis costs the U.S. $147 billion annually in direct medical costs and indirect costs such as lost wages. Researchers have been studying obesity and obesity prevention for decades now; here are five of their recent findings in obesity research. 1. The brain-belly … Read more