Indulge The Healthy Way (And Why Chocolate Is Good For You)

Indulging in the occasional unhealthy meal or enjoying a delicious dessert like chocolate is part of a healthy lifestyle. Yes, you read that right. As with any sort of indulging, moderation is key, but allowing yourself to eat treats is essential to sticking to a healthy diet long term. Avoiding sweet and salty foods entirely … Read more

Disparities In Gender Of Pain Management Leave Some Struggling

Women are more likely than men to experience chronic pain, however emerging research into the gender of pain management shows that females are less likely to receive medications and may suffer more as a result. And the medications they do receive sometimes cause more harm than good. Women are, on average, smaller than men and … Read more

5 Surprising New Chronic Pain Treatments

Science continues to uncover brand new ways of alleviating suffering for those living with chronic pain. With awareness about the dangers of opioids growing, identifying these new scientific frontiers has never had more urgency. While some of the new chronic pain treatments are more predictable—wearable technology, for example—other emerging treatments involve approaches you’d never guess. … Read more

New Opioid Initiatives And Laws Seek to Curtail Access

With a burgeoning opioid addiction epidemic that has claimed thousands of lives, the U.S. government is beginning to change drug laws to restrict access and stop the mounting public health crisis. One big change occurred in late 2014, when the federal government rescheduled hydrocodone combination medications, such as Vicodin, from Schedule 3 to Schedule 2. … Read more

World Cancer Day Highlights Solutions For Rising Cancer Rates

This Feb. 4 people around the world will honor World Cancer Day, a time devoted to raising awareness about cancer solutions. News reports often emphasize the number of deaths and escalating rates of those affected. However, greater knowledge about the disease and improvements in treatment, prevention, and detection have at the same time increased the … Read more

African American History Month Spotlights Community’s Chronic Pain Burden

February marks African American History Month, a time to honor the nation’s black heritage and recognize the community’s struggle to gain rights equal to all U.S. citizens. Today, despite being equal in the eyes of the law, African Americans continue to experience high levels of poverty, reduced access to medical care, and poorer outcomes when … Read more

Scientists Identify Exercise Molecule

Scientists have long known that exercise improves health, speeds up metabolism, and provides a host of other health benefits, but the mechanisms underlying improved health have remained a mystery until now. Recent research published in the journal Cell Metabolism reveals that exercise causes muscles to form a protein that leads to the formation of a special … Read more

On the Front Lines – Clinical Research Update

The field of pain management depends on clinical research to assess the efficacy of available treatments as well as to develop new treatments. At Arizona Pain, our clinical research helps us lead the way in advancing the science of pain treatment. We have several clinical trials for which we are actively recruiting patients. St. Jude … Read more

CRPS Study Examines New Treatment for a Difficult Condition

The Research DepartmentBy Ted Swing, Ph.D. When a person experiences a broken bone or other injury to one of the extremities, they typically receive medical attention and the fracture heals over time. However, for a small number of people who have such a fracture or other injury they develop a chronic pain condition called complex … Read more

Fibromyalgia Research Reveals Exciting Discoveries

Until recently, fibromyalgia research had uncovered only limited information about this condition of widespread pain, fatigue, and sleep disruption despite the condition’s prevalence—five million U.S. adults have it. Many fibromyalgia patients have suffered from those in the medical establishment not understanding their condition or thinking the symptoms were psychosomatic. Other patients have found themselves running … Read more