Our Foundation – Arizona Pain https://arizonapain.com Pain Clinics in Phoenix, Chandler, Gilbert, Glendale, Tempe, and Scottsdale Mon, 21 Feb 2022 17:14:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://arizonapain.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/cropped-Arizona_Pain_Logo_ONLY_3__tgpct8-scaled-1-32x32.webp Our Foundation – Arizona Pain https://arizonapain.com 32 32 Warm Heart – Africa https://arizonapain.com/the-warm-heart-of-africa/ Thu, 06 Sep 2012 19:44:18 +0000 http://apm.arizonapain.com/?p=1278 Read more]]>

Arizona Pain’ Sister Clinic Works Miracles in Malawi

By Kevin Whipps

While we spend our mornings waiting in line for a coffee, or complaining about the latest thing that happened on the news, a world away lives a country where almost 10-million people live on less than $1 a day. While we drive through our suburban neighborhoods, 85% of their population lives in rural villages. And out of the 13 million people in their country, at least 1 million are infected with HIV. In 2007, 2.1 million died from the disease. It’s named Malawi, but it’s also known as “The warm heart of Africa,” and it’s a country that doesn’t get a ton of press around these parts, but it should. The average life expectancy of a male born today is just 51 years old, and 15.5% of all children under the age of five are underweight. The fact is, times are tough over there, and without the help of people in more fortunate situations, the country will continue to devolve.

In 2001, Dr. Perry Jansen and a small group began Partners in Hope (PIH). Their mission was to provide desperately needed medical care to the people of Malawi, and donate their services to help stop the spread of HIV in Africa. To start, the team went to Malawi and provided home based care as well as taught HIV prevention in local schools. In addition, they started providing antiretroviral medications (ARVs) to those in need, and the results were astounding. People who were expected to die got up out of bed and regained living their normal lives. It was amazing.

A few years later in 2005, PIH opened a new facility named the Partners in Hope Medical Center. Today, they see over 250 patients daily, and actively care for 6,000 HIV patients on the premises. What makes the space so amazing? Treatments and tools that we have access to as Americans are rare and hard to find in Malawi, but PIH brought in a state-of- the-art laboratory to diagnose both Tuberculosis and HIV patients. They have x-ray machines and ultrasound tools, rarely seen in Malawi. Today, PIH has 3,500 HIV patients in care, 2,600 patients on ARVs and 3,600 patients are seen each month.

This is an uphill struggle for sure, but PIH has definitely made strides in the right direction. Today, over 100 peer educators have been trained, they’ve opened Tikambe Youth Center to offer “youth friendly” HIV testing and over 1,000 people are tested for HIV every month. They’ve even been expanding the clinic, with the “Thandizo” ward opening in 2010, and the “Moyo” clinic just completing expansion.

Partners in Hope is the sister clinic to Arizona Pain. We support the amazing work that Dr. Jansen and his crew perform, and we hope you do too. If you would like to donate to Partners in Hope, you can do so at their website: Partnersinmalawi.org/donations.php.

Ron Barnard – Southern Africa Mission https://arizonapain.com/aps-patient-reaches-southern-africa-with-mission/ Sun, 01 Apr 2012 12:01:46 +0000 http://apm.arizonapain.com/?p=1040 Read more]]>

In 2006, Ron Barnard darted into traffic to prevent a friend’s 4-year-old son from being hit by an on-coming truck. successfully pulling the child to safety, Barnard took the brunt of the impact himself. The minister’s life- transforming moment of bravery resulted in long-term chronic pain.

I suffered a concussion, a severely broken left femur, a contused left lung, significant trauma to my neck and spine, a fractured right wrist, a sprained right ankle, strained pulled and torn muscles in my back and leg, and damage to my sciatic nerve, says Barnard.

“Though the injuries were significant, the grace of God was obvious. There was one major answer to all the prayers that were immediately prayed. The most immediate danger was the lung contusion that was causing internal bleeding. But before the helicopter could get me, to the hospital I had already stopped bleeding.”

Read more of Barnard’s story in the March 2012 issue of Arizona Pain Monthly here

Treated by Arizona Pain for his on-going pain, Barnard has been able to resume his life’s passion: missionary work in Africa.

“My wife Karen and I founded an organization called the southern Africa Mission network,” he says. “In a few weeks, my 21-year-old son Jacob and I leave for a trip to an orphan village in western Zambia. We provide training for university student ministries in south Africa.”

Barnard says treatment for his pain is critical; traveling alone to remote areas of Africa is not easy.
“The flights are long and challenging for someone with back and neck pain,” he says. “However, we’ve been partnering in southern Africa for many years and when we go all those who contribute to my health and recovery go as well.”
The Barnards’ organization – SAM – has several specific objectives in their African outreach. Their primary mission is to connect people and resources with mission and ministry in sub-saharan Africa. They are able to accomplish this mission by:

  1. Mobilizing short-term teams and individuals to strategic partnerships in southern Africa. “We are active on university campuses, and in social justice and compassion mission opportunities. Last year, we had 90 students from the us serving in southern Africa, as well as four other volunteer teams totaling another 55 people. We put health care professionals, teachers, engineers, agriculturalist and anyone else willing to serve in short, mid and long-term mission assignments in southern Africa. Currently, we have eight people on assignment, for terms ranging from 3-12 months. We have placed volunteers in south Africa, Mozambique, Lesotho, Zimbabwe and Zambia, with invitations to Swaziland, Malawi, Tanzania and Kenya.
  2. Working to plant student ministries on university campuses in south Africa and across sub-saharan Africa. “We believe if you can reach a student, you reach a future leader. If you reach leaders, you impact culture,” he says. “I serve as a student ministry mentor, working along side six student ministries and with some of the most amazing people from either side of the ocean. I travel often to train and to speak at conferences and campuses to reach students. We are about to help launch three new student ministries in 2012.
  3.  Working along side churches in south Africa to impact mission and missions’ efforts in southern Africa.“We work closely with multiple churches that are on the ground everyday making a change. I’m an advocate for Jesus, his church and his mission.”
  4.  Working directly and personally with the Zambia Project.“The ZAM project’s mission is to plant churches in rural western Zambia. This is a mostly forgotten and extremely rural region where many villages have yet to hear an accurate telling of Jesus story. I personally lead a team each summer alongside church leaders from the project to plant a church in the bush. These journeys to reach the inconvenient lost are some of the most challenging and rewarding days I’ve ever experienced. Additionally, the Zambia Project (operated by close friends from South Africa) ministers to the everyday needs of western Zambians. You can’t be the church and not care about the AIDS crisis, the subsequent orphan crisis, malnourishment and related poverty issues. The project includes a clinic that is yet to be sourced, an orphan school and is in the process of building an orphan village.”

For those interested in helping with the SAM project, Barnard says it is easy. There is opportunity for anyone, with any ability.

How can you help? Go. Give. Pray.

For those interested in seeing Africa first-hand, Barnard says there is opportunity for volunteers to travel.
“Everyone can and should consider going on at least a short- term mission trip,” he says. “Taking a trip isn’t nearly as important as choosing to live missionally. However, going is a part of being missional. We’d love to chat to anyone and everyone about how to participate by going!

For those unable or unwilling to travel, the organization can always use financial support. “It takes significant finances to make this mission happen,” he says. “You can give online via PayPal, or through our mission board. You can also invest via snail mail. No matter how you give, your giving is tax deductible and greatly appreciated. Thanks for considering helping us do what we do.
And finally, for those who are interested in supporting the work spiritually, prayer is always requested. “Jack Hayford says, ‘Prayer is invading the impossible.’ The challenges are real, the warfare is intense, but God is
faithful! We need and appreciate you caring and praying.”
To learn more about the Southern Africa Mission network, visit: www.thesamnetwork.com. Readers may also connect with Ron personally at here.
