Kati Morton – Vloggers We Love

Mental health and how to practice self-care are subjects most people know little about. Psychology can be scary and difficult to understand, especially when you are in the thick of a problem like depression, anxiety, anorexia, or any other psychological disorder. How do you find help for these issues if you are not ready or sure you should reach out or pay big bucks to get some much-needed therapy? Look no further than YouTube! Kati Morton is a vlogger we love who can help bridge the gap and provide you with the resources and motivation you need to take the first step towards a better you.

Kati Morton: Who is she?

Morton is a licensed marriage and family therapist who received a bachelor’s degree in psychology as well as a master’s degree in clinical psychology from Pepperdine. She graduated at the top of her class and started her career by working at an eating disorder residential clinic and afterwards specialized in eating disorders management, such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and compulsive eating/binge eating disorder. Morton currently practices in Santa Monica, CA and is an entrepreneur and YouTube vlogger who has built a global mental health community of over 100,000 followers.

Morton started this journey by realizing that treatment needed to be provided sooner to patients when she worked in a hospital treatment center. A lot of people ended up hospitalized because, after they had refused treatment for so long, there were no other options. She found so many people who could not benefit from counseling because they were too sick to actively participate or give feedback in their sessions. That is when she decided that more had to be done ahead of time to prevent these problems from getting critical. As Morton puts it:

“I have made it my mission to share my knowledge and education with anyone who will listen. I hope that by creating videos, blogging and using various social media sites I can raise awareness of these diseases as well as create a safe place where people can speak candidly about their own battles.”

How can Kati Morton help you?

Since 2011, Morton has been providing fantastic advice via video about numerous topics related to psychology and mental health. Every Monday and Thursday, she posts new videos answering questions from her growing community that fall under the category of mental health.

These videos can be a valuable tool for those with chronic pain as she addresses common issues like “What is a normal amount of anxiety?” and “Self-hatred & how to deal with it.” Morton also provides unique insight into the mind of a therapist and shows her followers how to identify good therapists, what to expect from therapy, and choosing what therapy is best for you.

The best part about Morton’s videos is how she addresses common mental health problems. She carefully breaks down each specific issue and analyzes them so that even a nonprofessional can grasp the concept. She does this in a positive and approachable way that turns an ominous topic into something easy to understand. She also provides feedback on why these problems are occurring, as well as expert advice on how to combat mental health issues.

Morton is also energetic and a joy to watch. Her personality is engaging and it is very obvious that she is not only highly-trained, but does significant research on every subject she touches on.

Morton nurtures her community by providing a judgment-free place where people struggling with mental health issues can go and share their experiences without fear of being shamed or belittled. When she shares knowledge, she does it so that everyone can understand mental health a little better in order to continue to spread knowledge and help others. Morton also focuses a lot on mental maintenance rather than just treatment after the fact. To see this first hand, take a look at her videos on positive self-talk and self-care.

These are all reasons why Kati Morton is a vlogger we love.

Where can you find Kati Morton?

Kati has built her community network on a ton of different social media sites. This is the main way she interacts with her fans and answers questions that you see in her videos. If you are interested in getting involved you should check out and be a part of her growing group.

  • She has her own website. Here you can join her forums and see all of the non-video advice she has given her followers. She also has her videos posted here and you can sort and search for videos by the various mental conditions you are interested in. Don’t be afraid to jump in and join the crowd as her forum is exceptionally warm, thoughtful, and always happy to help.
  • Kati also posts inspirational pics and quotes as well as answers questions on Tumblr, anonymously and not. If you are looking for some sound advice or just need a laugh, be sure to check it out.
  • Kati is also on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Mental health is a long journey of self-discovery and treatment. There is no magic bullet or cure-all that can fix your problems. Kati Morton’s insight provides a unique perspective into the mental health field and it is why she is a vlogger we love.

For a deeper dive into mental health issues, take a look at the resources at the National Alliance on Mental Illness.