6 Revolutionary Pain Research Studies

Pain research is an active area for scientists, who are investigating everything from new treatments to deeper understandings of how the brain processes pain signals. Insights that begin in a lab can ultimately affect millions of people’s lives. Not all research is monumental or revolutionary, but these six studies are pretty wow-worthy. 1. New, non-addictive pain … Read more

Sites We Love: MindBodyGreen

MindBodyGreen is one of the web’s leading sites for health and wellness—both physical and emotional—that’s approached from a mind/body standpoint. Ranked by Alexa as one of the top 3,500 sites in the world in terms of traffic, MindBodyGreen offers the collected wisdom of thought leaders, yoga teachers, medical professionals, and others offering advice on diet, … Read more

Social Media Networks Connect Chronic Pain Patients

In everyday life, people with chronic pain may find it difficult to connect with others facing similar experiences. Fortunately, the emergence of social media networks specifically geared toward people living with chronic disorders aims to help patients dissolve those barriers, finding support and camaraderie in the process. Social support helps those living with a chronic … Read more

Top 10 Most Inspiring Body Positive Personalities

If you’re looking for body positive inspiration, look no further than social media to keep you motivated and feeling good. These superstars come in a range of sizes, and many have overcome physical or emotional hardships while on their journey to greater health. From plus-sized yoga superstars to muscular hard bodies, these inspirational body positive … Read more

5 Surprising New Chronic Pain Treatments

Science continues to uncover brand new ways of alleviating suffering for those living with chronic pain. With awareness about the dangers of opioids growing, identifying these new scientific frontiers has never had more urgency. While some of the new chronic pain treatments are more predictable—wearable technology, for example—other emerging treatments involve approaches you’d never guess. … Read more

5 Cool Chronic Pain Kickstarters

Some of the best ideas and products to help people with chronic pain come not from large companies, but from ordinary people. The Internet has made it increasingly easy for people to find funding for their new ideas, and platforms like Kickstarter are helping these products reach the market. What is Kickstarter? Kickstarter is a … Read more

10 Best TED Health Talks

For inspiring speeches given by leading innovators, TED health talks never fail to deliver. TED is a nonprofit that seeks to spread ideas through short videos that last for 18 minutes or less. The initiative began as a live conference in 1984, before the Internet revolutionized information dissemination, and originally focused on technology, entertainment, and … Read more

Fibromyalgia Research Reveals Exciting Discoveries

Until recently, fibromyalgia research had uncovered only limited information about this condition of widespread pain, fatigue, and sleep disruption despite the condition’s prevalence—five million U.S. adults have it. Many fibromyalgia patients have suffered from those in the medical establishment not understanding their condition or thinking the symptoms were psychosomatic. Other patients have found themselves running … Read more

September On Inside Arizona Pain

Fall is finally in the air, and cooler temperatures bring plenty of time to catch up on reading. September was a big month for people affected by chronic pain because it marked Pain Awareness Month, Stand Up To Cancer Day, and Healthy Aging Month. All month long during Pain Awareness Month, patients, advocates, and others … Read more