Indulge The Healthy Way (And Why Chocolate Is Good For You)

Indulging in the occasional unhealthy meal or enjoying a delicious dessert like chocolate is part of a healthy lifestyle. Yes, you read that right. As with any sort of indulging, moderation is key, but allowing yourself to eat treats is essential to sticking to a healthy diet long term. Avoiding sweet and salty foods entirely … Read more

Top 10 Most Inspiring Body Positive Personalities

If you’re looking for body positive inspiration, look no further than social media to keep you motivated and feeling good. These superstars come in a range of sizes, and many have overcome physical or emotional hardships while on their journey to greater health. From plus-sized yoga superstars to muscular hard bodies, these inspirational body positive … Read more

Forget About Losing Weight And Focus On Feeling Good

Amidst the barrage of skinny worshiping that happens on a daily basis, it can be difficult for those who don’t fit into a size small to feel good about themselves. People with health conditions like chronic pain may feel especially pressured to lose weight, and any difficulty shedding pounds frequently leads to frustration. If this … Read more