The Best Places To Live With Arthritis: 14 Great Options

For anyone living with osteoarthritis, there are many challenges they face daily. From tying their shoes to making trips to the store, every task can be made harder by the joint pain of this wear-and-tear condition. One potential solution? Finding one of the best places to live with arthritis in the United States, which can … Read more

This Is How To Break Bad Habits, For Good

We all have our regular tendencies and practices, but the difference between a routine and a habit is that routines are relatively easy to adjust and change, while habits can be especially difficult to give up. That is the bad news. The good news is that you can change your habits. Doing so can help … Read more

How-To Move Smarter With A Chronic Pain Condition

The average person in the United States moves a little over 11 times in their lifetime. That is a lot of packing, cleaning, and hauling around large furniture. Most people don’t find moving to be pleasant experience either and it usually ends with relief and the hope that you never have to do it again. … Read more

Dealing With Anxiety – 10 Tips For Creating A Better You

Anxiety is big, ominous, and difficult to pin down. Dealing with anxiety can feel like trying to hold up a crushing weight, physically and mentally. This is doubly true for those who suffer from a chronic pain condition as a study found that almost half of those with persistent pain issues also had one or … Read more

How To Live With Pain

The pain is constant. You kind of remember what it was like before all this happened, but more often than not, those blissful, pain-free days are a distant memory. You’re trying to figure out how to live this way, how to make it work. Some days, you’re successful. But other days, you just want to … Read more

Indulge The Healthy Way (And Why Chocolate Is Good For You)

Indulging in the occasional unhealthy meal or enjoying a delicious dessert like chocolate is part of a healthy lifestyle. Yes, you read that right. As with any sort of indulging, moderation is key, but allowing yourself to eat treats is essential to sticking to a healthy diet long term. Avoiding sweet and salty foods entirely … Read more

Healthy Eating The Fast, Cheap, and Easy Way

Adopting healthy eating choices is probably one of the single most important things you can do to manage pain, no matter the condition you suffer from. Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats like those found in nuts and olive oils contain powerful micronutrients that work to reduce pain-causing inflammation and help you … Read more

Yoga Classes Support A Safe, Fulfilling Practice

The benefits of yoga are vast. Students can expect to gain flexibility, strength, and improved balance from continued practice, while those with chronic pain may find the practice improves quality of life. Although many people aren’t sure how to start practicing, the best way is to attend a live class with a registered yoga teacher … Read more

Give Blood During National Blood Donor Month

January is National Blood Donor Month, a time when need runs high while donations typically run low, according to the American Red Cross. Winter brings fewer blood donations because of busy schedules, colds, and inclement weather that keep people inside instead of visiting the nearest blood donation facility. Meanwhile, winter driving conditions frequently lead to … Read more

CAKE Movie, Starring Jennifer Aniston, Portrays Chronic Pain

The subject of chronic pain is so pervasive that it’s finally making its way into popular culture. The latest movie cataloguing life with pain is Cake, starring Jennifer Aniston. The movie hits theaters Jan. 23, 2015. In Cake, Jennifer Aniston plays a Los Angeles woman with chronic pain named Claire Simmons, whose acerbic wit lends … Read more