Why Is My Joint Pain In Summer Worse?

While many people with chronic pain find that it’s worse in the winter, it turns out that summer’s heat and humidity can also lead to joint pain. At Arizona Pain, we know extreme heat. With an average high of 104° and a low of 78° in June, the huge swings in Phoenix’s temperatures can wreak … Read more

How To Beat Summertime Chronic Pain

For many people, summer means hot days by the pool and time for vacations. People with chronic pain, however, may find that sweltering temperatures exacerbate symptoms and lead to flare-ups. A family’s increased pace of activities can also make lifestyle changes related to pain management, such as eating healthy, difficult to maintain. Here are some … Read more

Summer May Trigger Cluster Headaches: Are You At Risk?

For many people, summertime elicits fun images of swimming and barbecues, but those suffering from cluster headaches may find the change in season triggers the attacks, turning one of the year’s most anticipated seasons into a time of dread and pain. Cluster headaches are the most rare form of headaches, according to Web MD, but … Read more

Recipe: Watermelon Gazpacho

What’s more comforting than a bowl of soup? A cold bowl of soup on a hot day! That might sound odd, but gazpacho is an excellent way to consume a nutrient-rich meal, without all of the heaviness (or heat!) associated with several courses. This recipe is so simple to prepare; after the ingredients are chopped, … Read more