4 New Studies On Prescription Painkillers

Prescription painkillers are one of the most commonly used methods to treat chronic pain. Research has shown that the most commonly prescribed pills, opioids, are risky and sometimes fatal. At Arizona Pain, we believe in reducing your pain while improving your quality of life, and we’re often able to do that without opioids. A range … Read more

New Opioid Initiatives And Laws Seek to Curtail Access

With a burgeoning opioid addiction epidemic that has claimed thousands of lives, the U.S. government is beginning to change drug laws to restrict access and stop the mounting public health crisis. One big change occurred in late 2014, when the federal government rescheduled hydrocodone combination medications, such as Vicodin, from Schedule 3 to Schedule 2. … Read more

World Cancer Day Highlights Solutions For Rising Cancer Rates

This Feb. 4 people around the world will honor World Cancer Day, a time devoted to raising awareness about cancer solutions. News reports often emphasize the number of deaths and escalating rates of those affected. However, greater knowledge about the disease and improvements in treatment, prevention, and detection have at the same time increased the … Read more