Migraine Symptoms May Be Linked To Childhood Trauma

More and more research is being conducted that analyzes the effects of childhood trauma on adult health. Childhood trauma is defined as a life event that threatens the safety of the child or their caregivers. It can either be acute or chronic in nature. Typical symptoms from a traumatic event include reduced ability to concentrate, trouble sleeping, withdrawal, anger, and some severe psychiatric conditions like PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Recent studies are also beginning to show that children take away other long-lasting mental effects from these situations as well, such as migraine symptoms that can develop in adulthood.

How To Deal With A Stiff Neck

The birth of technology like the computer, car, and smartphone has led to us spending a lot of time extending our neck, either staring straight ahead or looking down without moving our neck much. If this is done infrequently, it doesn’t cause a lot of pain or stiffness, but it can add up if these … Read more

Rethinking Headaches: New Ways Of Treating And Looking At The Common Pain

Headaches are perhaps one of the more ubiquitous health problems, with as many as 90% of U.S. adults suffering through the pain of a pounding head at some point in their lives, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Headaches may be common, but that makes them no less disruptive to … Read more

Summer May Trigger Cluster Headaches: Are You At Risk?

For many people, summertime elicits fun images of swimming and barbecues, but those suffering from cluster headaches may find the change in season triggers the attacks, turning one of the year’s most anticipated seasons into a time of dread and pain. Cluster headaches are the most rare form of headaches, according to Web MD, but … Read more

Migraines Heighten Risk Of These 5 Health Problems

Migraines, the debilitating headaches that affect as much as 15% of the general population, do more than cause excruciating pain—they’ve also been linked to a slew of other health issues. Migraine sufferers who experience auras, visual disturbances that sometimes signal an impending attack, are especially predisposed to these related conditions, according to Prevention magazine. Part … Read more