How To Handle Cold Weather With Chronic Pain

It’s hard to believe, but Fall is just around the corner again. And when those temperatures do finally dip, it will mean many chronic pain patients looking for a little extra warmth. Cold weather with chronic pain just isn’t a good mix. Many patients are sensitive to changes in temperature, while stiff joints can become … Read more

6 Places To Exercise For Free In Phoenix

The amazing Phoenix weather nearly year-round means residents have their choice when it comes to finding free places to workout. Participating in an organized activity or event is one great, free way to connect with other fitness-minded people while enjoying the boost of motivation that comes from working out in a group. If organized events aren’t … Read more

Inside The Lab: Learn More About Our Holistic Pain Research Study

By Ted Swing, Ph.D Herbal medicines have thousands of years of history in cultures around the world. Other types of supplemental medicines make use of naturally occurring chemicals and extracts. Today, these treatments remain widely used for a variety of conditions, including conditions causing chronic pain. These treatments are regarded by the U.S. Food and … Read more

8 Pain-Friendly Ways To Celebrate The New Year In Phoenix

If you’re looking to celebrate New Year’s Eve in style without spinning underneath flashing lights in a crowded Phoenix nightclub, you’re in the right place. Having pain doesn’t exclude you from the fun, but instead opens up an array of very special options. Choices range from enjoying a nice dinner out with music or other … Read more

Update From The Lab: Research Study Device From Bioness Receives FDA Approval

By Ted Swing, Ph.D. Advancements in pain medicine depend primarily on clinical research trials carried out by private companies called “sponsors” under the supervision of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We take part in many of these studies, enrolling appropriate patients and delivering the new treatments to them. From 2012 to 2014, we took … Read more

Native Americans Face Diabetes Epidemic

Amid national concern about rising rates of diabetes and obesity, which often coincides with Type 2 diabetes, one population stands out as facing an exceptional risk: Native Americans. Native Americans face more than double the risk of receiving a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes than Caucasians. Type 2 diabetes is a disease marked by high … Read more

October Reads On Arizona Pain: Living Well With Arthritis, Breast Cancer Awareness News

This month on Arizona Pain, we dove into breast cancer awareness and living better with arthritis. The topics are timely because October marks awareness initiatives for both conditions. Education is one of our cornerstone philosophies for excellent, effective patient care, and awareness efforts dovetail with that mission. We wanted to bring you the latest research … Read more

Meet The Doctors At Arizona Pain

Patient education and engagement are cornerstone philosophies at Arizona Pain because they work. Patients who are educated and engaged tend to experience more pain relief. We’re incredibly lucky to surround ourselves with an inspiring, motivated team of doctors who spend their days trying to get to the bottom of what’s causing someone pain. The human … Read more

Latest News From Arizona Pain: New Clinics And Medical Research

A lot of things are happening at Arizona Pain, with a new Latin American division and recently opened clinics in the northern part of the state to better serve patients needing treatment, regardless of ethnicity or location. Arizona Pain doctors are also continuing to practice medicine on the cutting edge, and are excited to participate … Read more

Arizona Medical News: From Doctor Shortages To Cancer Care

Arizona, with its numerous medical schools and leading research institutions like Mayo Clinic and downtown Phoenix’s Translational Genomics Research Institute, is often on the cutting edge of medical news. The state’s continued growth also put several public health issues on the front burner. Here’s a roundup of some of the biggest, most interesting medical news … Read more