Disability Needs A Redesign: The Future Of Accessibility

Do you ever stop to think about how your house was built or looked around your town or city to notice the architecture of public spaces? Architecture is about so much more than just shelter. For people with a disability or those dealing with the effects of chronic pain, architecture and design can actually be … Read more

Neuros Medical Study May Offer New Treatment for Lower Limb Amputees

FROM THE LABBy Ted Swing, Ph.D The loss of a leg due to an accident or other cause can pose a number of challenges, from the immediate pain to walking again with prosthesis. Such injuries can also cause severe chronic pain, potentially lasting for years. These patients may have their chronic pain managed with medications, … Read more

Jobs Increasingly Available For Disabled Workers

Thousands of people work despite being disabled, whether out of necessity or desire. In the last several decades, federal protections for this segment of the workforce have expanded, requiring employers to accommodate people with disabilities. In addition, many employers recognize that disabled people offer valuable insights and talents, and work to make the office a … Read more