Commons:Volunteer Response Team/sr
Shortcuts: VRT • VRTS • COM:VRT • COM:VRTS
Current backlog (oldest unanswered mail or ticket) in permissions-commons queue is 9 days. |
The Volunteer Response Team (VRT) (formerly known as OTRS (Open-source Ticket Request System)) is a group of volunteers who handle queries, complaints, and comments from the public by email to Wikimedia projects since September 2004. The Volunteer Response Team Software (VRTS) is a tool used by the Wikimedia projects, including Commons, to manage and archive email conversations. The main use of VRTS in relation to Commons is to verify and archive licensing permissions.
In some cases, sending email to the VRT may be required in order to provide evidence that the copyright holder has given permission to publish a file under a free license. Such evidence should be sent to (or a language specific address). VRTS is also used to handle email reports of copyright violations.
Emails sent to VRTS are handled by a multilingual team of trusted volunteers. Each topic is assigned a unique ticket number to keep related emails together and to ensure that correspondence can be found and re-examined at a later date. The correspondence is not visible to the public.
Each ticket will be reviewed by a volunteer. If there is sufficient evidence of a valid permission, the volunteer will mark the file(s) concerned as reviewed. The volunteer will also act to restore any files which may have been deleted before the permission could be verified, so when following the procedure described here, there is no need to request undeletion. If there is no sufficient evidence, the volunteer may request additional information from the correspondent. Volunteers will also act to ensure that any copyright violations that come to their attention are deleted.
The number of active Commons VRT members is quite small in relation to the number of emails received. The current backlog for tickets in English is approximately 9 days. Experienced Commons editors are encouraged to join our team of volunteers and improve our response times.
Питања у вези валидности или статуса VRTS тикета могу се поставити на VRT табли.
Emails are handled by community volunteers. VRTS tickets in the permissions-commons queue are visible to all volunteers who have access to that queue. The Wikimedia Foundation cannot guarantee confidential treatment of any sensitive information you include in your message, although all volunteers are required to treat it with confidentiality. Users should be careful of revealing personally-identifying information of subjects or creators, particularly names, physical addresses, and emails. |
Када не треба контактирати VRT
Ако било која од следећих изјава одговра Вашој ситуацији не морате контактирати VRT:
Нема дозволу да користим датотеку и она није под слободном лиценцом.
Ја сам творац датотеке, није другде објављивана и ја сам једини носилац ауторских права.
Just follow the instructions found on the Commons:Upload/sr page, unless the image/file is of outstanding or professional quality or there is some other reason your authorship may be doubted.
Фотографија је при пут објављена на мом веб-сајту или мом личном простору на сајту за дељење.
That's great! If it's your own website, please follow Creative Commons' instructions to adopt the free culture license of your choice. It will then be reviewed when files are uploaded by you or others. Use the Internet Archive's "Save Page Now" feature to store proof of your license statement.
- My/Our website uses Wordpress
- You can place the entire website in CC BY-SA license in a handful of clicks.
- My/Our website is on Blogspot
- Follow the steps to update your theme.
- I/We publish on Flickr
- Follow Flickr publish steps.
- I/We publish on DeviantArt
- You can use CC BY or CC BY-SA.
- I/We publish on YouTube
- You can use CC BY.
- I/We publish on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
- Edit the post containing your photo to indicate that it is published under a free license. If the platform does not allow editing of posts, then make a new post referring back to the photo. Please ensure that visibility is set to public.
Нашао сам слику на Flickr-у где је означена под слободном лиценцом.
Licensing images: when do I contact VRT?
If any of the following statements is one you could make, then you must send an email to the VRTS system:
I have received permission from the original author (not me) to upload the file to Commons.
Please ask the copyright holder to send a permission statement to the address listed above. We require that owners make a clear statement that they release the image under a free license; to help prevent confusion or misunderstandings we prefer one of the email templates be used. Permission grants must specifically contain a free license grant and may not merely give permissions for Commons or Wikipedia. If you have already uploaded the image to Commons, follow the instructions on Template:Permission pending.
If the image has been deleted, do not recreate the deleted content but include in the correspondence a link to the deleted image or a link to your talk page in order to help the work of the VRT members.
I am the copyright owner but my file has been previously published without a free license on a medium I can't alter.
Please send us a clear statement that you wish to release your work (with a link to the original location) under a specific free license. See Commons:Email templates for the preferred form. Alternatively, add a free license to your work and place the text {{License review}} somewhere on the file description page on Commons. We will review your statement for authenticity and will let you know if we can accept it as valid.
Ја сам запослен код носиоца ауторског права.
Редовно објављујем своје радове другде и жели да избегнем изнова слање сагласности за сваку појединачну датотеку.
Ја сам носилац ауторских права и моје рад се хостује на Остави без моје дозволе.
Ако НИСТЕ носилац ауторских права
If you are not the copyright holder and the work is not in the public domain or readily available under a Commons-compatible free license, you will need to contact the copyright holder and obtain permission for their work to be uploaded to Commons. Please follow these steps:
- Before you upload the file to Commons, please identify and contact the copyright holder and ask them to release the work under a free license.
- The copyright holder must choose one of the licenses permitted on Commons; in particular, restricting use to Wikipedia or Wikimedia projects is not acceptable. See Commons:Email templates for a recommended reply from the author. Remember: It is entirely up to the copyright holder to decide whether to allow release of the file under a free license.
- When you receive a reply, please check that the license authorized by the copyright holder is appropriate to Commons. If so, upload the image to Commons and place the tag
("Permission Pending") on the file description page in addition to the license chosen by the copyright holder.
- Following this, ask the author to forward the email with their clear statement of permission to permissions-commons, including the full header and any previously exchanged correspondence with you, and a link to the image on Commons. Make sure to ask the author to include information on the origin (source) of the file and its license.
- A VRT volunteer will check the email to verify that the permission statement is sufficient and authentic, and will then replace the {{Permission pending}} tag with {{PermissionTicket}}.
(If you are the copyright holder writing to confirm the license for a previously published work that you have already uploaded to Commons, you should, of course, send the permission statement yourself.)
Процедуре за давање дозволе
Ако сте упућени на ову страницу зато што желите да дате дозволу за вашу датотеку препоручујемо да кликнете горње дугме него да попуњавате имејл шаблон. Интерактивно давање дозволе је направљено да учини давање дозволе за датотеку брзо и једноставно. Коришћење доњег шаблона се не препоручује и треба га користити само у изузетним околностима. Хвала! Шаблонски имејл за давање дозволе за датотекуПримили смо велики број имејлова од људи који желе да дозволе употребу свог садржаја на Википедији (имејлови као нпр. "Одобравам Википедији употребу мојих фотографија" итд.). Нажалост такве дозволе нису правно валидне, нама је потребна децидна и прецизна дозвола да би је прихватили. Искористите доле наведени шаблон да би дозволу могли да прихватимо.
To: Овим потврђујем да изаберите једно: [сам ја име и презиме] или [представљам име носиоца ауторских права], изаберите једно: [аутор] или [једини носилац ауторских права] изаберите једно: [следећег мултимедијалног рада][1] или [дела приказаног у мултимедијалном раду][2] или [дела и мултимедијалног рада][3] приказаног овде: [тачан URL до датотека отпремљених на Викимедијиној остави],[4] и имам пуно законско право да дам дозволу за дотични материјал. Слажем се са објављивањем горе наведеног материјала под условима следеће слободне лиценце: Creative Commons Ауторство—Делити под истим условима 4.0 међународна.[5] Јасно ми је да дајем право свакоме да користи материјал у комерцијалне сврхе и да га мења у складу са својим потребама под условима из лиценце и у скалду са законским нормама. Јасно ми је да ова дозвола није ограничена на Википедију и сродне сајтове. Јасно ми је да задржавам ауторско право над делом, и задржавам право да будем наведен као аутор у складу с условима изабране лиценце. Измене које други учине над материјалом неће бити приписане мени. Јасно ми је да не могу повући ову сагласност и да се материјал може трајно задржати на неком Викимедијином пројекту. [Име и презиме пошиљаоца]
Шаблони које треба користити за слике
- Users who have sent a permission to VRTS but haven't received confirmation yet can use
to tell others that it's in progress. - VRTS volunteers can use
when the permission has been received but further clarification is needed and {{PermissionTicket|id=number}} when the permission has been accepted and archived in the Wikimedia VRTS system. This template should only be used by VRT members. Unauthorized use will cause a AbuseFilter logentry and a warning will be shown. VRT users are encouraged to use the "PermissionVRTS" gadget.
Види још
- On Commons
- Email templates – use these when requesting permission by email
- VRT Noticeboard – for asking agents a question or verifying a ticket
- Guidance for paid editors
- List of VRT agents
- WikiProject Permission requests
- Information team
- On other projects
- m:VRT/Volunteering has information for people who would like to be VRT agents
- Example requests for permission on English Wikipedia
- Requesting copyright permission on English Wikipedia
- Licensing contact information on English Wikipedia (including information on photo submission via email)
- Wikiportrait (Dutch) on Meta
- Public VRT coordination and policies on Meta