Best 15 Posts From Arizona Pain In 2015

This year on Arizona Pain, we’ve covered a lot of ground. From serious topics like depression and health disparities to the light-hearted, inspirational reads, here are 15 of our favorite blog posts that we hope will improve your life, even if in some small way. 1. 10 Favorite TED Health Talks from 2015 TED produces some … Read more

Our 10 Favorite Health TED Talks From 2015

The non-profit organization TED focuses on spreading inspirational and interesting ideas. Spending a few minutes watching the videos could change your whole day—maybe even your life! From heath and happiness to creativity and vulnerability, TED produces talks from world-leading experts and inspiring everyday people you’ve never heard of. Feeding your brain with positive messages and … Read more

10 Best Pain Healthy Recipes For The Holidays

The holidays are a hectic, yet fun time full of sweet culinary temptation. Between cookies and cakes, buttery main courses, and even special coffee drinks that sound amazing but are chock full of sugar, eating healthy can become a challenge. While indulging here and there is okay, it’s best to keep those treat times few … Read more

6 Ways To Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer to affect women, but fortunately, there are many ways to reduce the risk. Most people—men can develop the disease, too—who develop breast cancer don’t have the disease in their family, according to Up to 10% of cases are linked to gene mutations like BRCA 1 … Read more

Busted! 4 Health Myths That Simply Aren’t True

Health myths abound, partially because it’s so difficult to keep up with all the constantly changing recommendations. The pendulum of expert opinion swings wildly, making it hard for the average person to make good decisions. Fortunately, science is coming to a point where some of the most perplexing health issues of our time—aspartame or sugar? … Read more

6 Revolutionary Pain Research Studies

Pain research is an active area for scientists, who are investigating everything from new treatments to deeper understandings of how the brain processes pain signals. Insights that begin in a lab can ultimately affect millions of people’s lives. Not all research is monumental or revolutionary, but these six studies are pretty wow-worthy. 1. New, non-addictive pain … Read more

Migraines Heighten Risk Of These 5 Health Problems

Migraines, the debilitating headaches that affect as much as 15% of the general population, do more than cause excruciating pain—they’ve also been linked to a slew of other health issues. Migraine sufferers who experience auras, visual disturbances that sometimes signal an impending attack, are especially predisposed to these related conditions, according to Prevention magazine. Part … Read more

Social Media Networks Connect Chronic Pain Patients

In everyday life, people with chronic pain may find it difficult to connect with others facing similar experiences. Fortunately, the emergence of social media networks specifically geared toward people living with chronic disorders aims to help patients dissolve those barriers, finding support and camaraderie in the process. Social support helps those living with a chronic … Read more

How To Live With Pain

The pain is constant. You kind of remember what it was like before all this happened, but more often than not, those blissful, pain-free days are a distant memory. You’re trying to figure out how to live this way, how to make it work. Some days, you’re successful. But other days, you just want to … Read more

Foam Rollin’ And Heat: 3 Ways To Manage Sore Muscles

Achy and sore muscles are hallmark symptoms of fibromyalgia and unfortunately a common experience. Symptoms may range from stiffness to a more active, aching feeling, but however it manifests, it’s never fun. Fortunately, there are a number of at-home ways to treat sore muscles from fibromyalgia. Many methods involve equipment or objects frequently found around … Read more