The Best Diet For Arthritis: Your Guide

They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. While it may not be that simple, changes to your diet can have an impact on arthritis pain and symptoms. Arthritis at its most basic description is inflammation of the joints. Fortunately, healthy eating can help fight inflammation and improve your symptoms. No food is … Read more

Inside The Lab: Learn More About Our Holistic Pain Research Study

By Ted Swing, Ph.D Herbal medicines have thousands of years of history in cultures around the world. Other types of supplemental medicines make use of naturally occurring chemicals and extracts. Today, these treatments remain widely used for a variety of conditions, including conditions causing chronic pain. These treatments are regarded by the U.S. Food and … Read more

How To Exercise Safely With Knee Osteoarthritis

People living with knee osteoarthritis often find it painful to move. Eroding cartilage in the knee can make it painful to walk or navigate the stairs. However exercise is one the best non-drug treatments to reduce pain and improve mobility, making it important for osteoarthritis patients to find a way to move despite the pain. … Read more

Gift Ideas For People With Arthritis

The holidays mark the perfect time to gift someone with arthritis a special something that will make their days a little brighter with arthritis gifts. Arthritis affects more than 50 million people in the U.S., according to the Arthritis Foundation, making the chances good that you know at least one person with the disorder. Many … Read more

Elderly Doesn’t Have To Mean In Pain

Extended life expectancies have resulted in a rapidly growing population of people living well into their 80s, 90s, and beyond. After all those years, the cumulative effects of running, jumping, working, and living can be felt in the bones. And the back. And sometimes the knees. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Although … Read more

A Chili Pepper Cure: Capsaicin For Leg Pain

If you’re looking for a natural remedy for leg pain, consider capsaicin patches. Capsaicin is the active component that gives hot peppers, including cayenne and jalapeno peppers, their famous heat. Although powdered forms of this natural remedy are available, many people find patches or creams helpful for leg pain. Capsaicin patches work best for helping … Read more

Treating Chronic Leg Pain

Chronic leg pain–any type of leg pain condition that lasts for 3 months or more–is a serious condition facing many people. At Arizona Pain, we always endeavor to provide the most up-to-date information about any pain condition, while also incorporating holistic lifestyle approaches into treatment plans. If you suffer from chronic leg pain, you can … Read more

The Science of Herbal and Supplemental Medicine

By Ted Swing, Ph.D. Herbal medicines have thousands of years of history in cultures around the world. Other types of supplemental medicines make use of naturally occurring chemicals and extracts. Today, these treatments re main widely used for a variety of conditions, including conditions causing chronic pain. These treatments are regarded by the US Food … Read more