Treating Chronic Leg Pain

Chronic leg pain–any type of leg pain condition that lasts for 3 months or more–is a serious condition facing many people. At Arizona Pain, we always endeavor to provide the most up-to-date information about any pain condition, while also incorporating holistic lifestyle approaches into treatment plans.

If you suffer from chronic leg pain, you can find out more about your pain condition by reading many of our Inside Pain posts from July. 

Knowing more about a pain condition starts with identifying its root causes and risk factors. If you suffer from knee pain, you may already know its cause, but did you know the factors that put you more at risk for the condition? These include everything from age to extra weight to smoking habits.

We also broke down many of the causes of hip pain in our post on the subject. In-depth coverage was given to conditions, such as:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hip bursitis
  • Labral tears
  • Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI)

We also discussed many of the innovative new chronic leg pain research topics and treatment methods being developed. Pain research is a rapidly expanding field with new information coming from everywhere–from our understanding of cutting edge therapies to unlikely revelations we learned from squid. Our own Dr. Paul Lynch also discussed his knowledge on treating chronic knee pain conditions with a comprehensive treatment plan in a paper published in Pain Medicine News. 

Finally, many chronic leg pain conditions are best treated with a combination of interventional medicine with lifestyle changes.

We know that exercise can be difficult when you suffer from a chronic leg pain condition, but we also know that appropriate exercise is a crucial component to getting back to yourself and relieving your pain. Because of this, we introduced many different exercise options for chronic pain patients in the hope that some of these methods will fit with your lifestyle and pain condition.

We discussed the following topics for chronic leg pain patients:

All pain is different and all pain patients will respond differently to treatment methods and lifestyle changes. Through our Inside Pain blog, we hope to introduce you to multiple new options for treatment and prevention in order to help you find the pain treatment plan that works best for you. If you want to learn even more from other people who are living with chronic pain every day, join our Chronic Pain Support Group over on Facebook. In that community, you’ll find advice and support from over 30,000 other people also living with chronic pain.

Do you suffer from chronic leg pain? What treatment options have worked best for you? 

Image by marksontok via Flickr