The Best Home Exercise Program For Pain Patients

If getting to the gym is preventing you from working out, forget the gym and workout anyway! If you don’t want to exercise outdoors, get sweaty right in your living room, no fancy gym equipment required. Your own body weight easily provides all the strength training you need. And, exercise can help you reduce pain … Read more

Here’s Why Exercise For Knee Pain Is So Important

Knee pain makes even everyday activities more difficult, so it’s no wonder that most people who suffer from knee pain prefer to avoid exercise. This is usually in spite of the overwhelming evidence that exercise is one of the best things you can do for your joints and knee pain in particular. So what should … Read more

6 Of The Best Exercises For Lower Back Pain You Probably Haven’t Tried

Lower back pain is one of the nation’s most common health concerns. It accounts for 40% of all missed time from work. The good news is that 90% of patients will improve on their own without a doctor’s help. The best exercises for lower back pain can help you strengthen your muscles, while reducing the … Read more

16 Simple (And Fun!) Exercises For Sciatica Leg Pain

The best exercises for sciatica leg pain include stretches that can relieve tightness, yoga poses to reduce tension, and cardio activities like dancing and walking. Learn more about how you can start incorporating these exercises for sciatica leg pain into your daily routine to help you relieve your pain. Performing exercises for sciatica leg pain … Read more

The High Costs Of Physical Inactivity

About 36% of all U.S. adults do not exercise during their leisure time, according to research from Florida Atlantic University. That’s a sobering statistic, especially considering the well-known health risks that arise from physical inactivity. Many common health conditions, including deadly ones, have been linked to a sedentary lifestyle. That includes conditions like back pain, … Read more

The Ultimate Exercise Guide For Diabetes Patients And Those At Risk

If you’re at high risk for diabetes and feel like you must exercise harder to achieve similar results to other people who aren’t at high risk, research shows you might be right. Scientists from Lund University in Sweden compared the effects of exercise on two groups of middle-aged, slightly overweight men. One group was not … Read more

6 Places To Exercise For Free In Phoenix

The amazing Phoenix weather nearly year-round means residents have their choice when it comes to finding free places to workout. Participating in an organized activity or event is one great, free way to connect with other fitness-minded people while enjoying the boost of motivation that comes from working out in a group. If organized events aren’t … Read more

Do Apps And Wearable Technology Help Or Hurt Fitness Goals?

Tracking information on your fitness journey has never been easier thanks to a variety of emerging wearable devices and smartphone apps. The wide array of technological tools available supports fitness by helping you track things like how many steps you’ve taken, plan routes for running, walking, or biking, and celebrate victories like losing a specific … Read more

How To Use The Internet For Fitness Motivation

Getting social with your fitness is a great way to stay motivated, accountable, and most importantly, on track with staying active. The Internet has emerged as a popular way to connect with like-minded individuals on similar fitness journeys. The ability to share stories, successes, and even failures via social media and other specialized platforms has … Read more

5 Easy Ways To Start Yoga In The New Year

If starting a yoga practice has languished on your list of goals because you’re not sure how to start, this New Year marks an excellent time to clear the fear. The number of ways to practice online is exploding, making this ancient system of wellness more accessible than ever. Depending on your needs and the … Read more